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The Greatest Guitar Songbook. Various. Acoustic Guitar sheet music. Classical Guitar sheet music. Electric Guitar sheet music. Guitar Tablature sheet music. Intermediate.
Cel mai mare Guitar Songbook. Divers. Acoustic partituri chitara. Clasic partituri chitara. Electric partituri chitara. Chitară Tablature foaie de muzică. Intermediar.
The Greatest Guitar Songbook by Various. For Guitar. Guitar Collection. Rock, Classical Period, Movies, Pop, Standards and Country. Difficulty. medium. Guitar tablature songbook. Guitar tablature, standard notation, vocal melody, lyrics, chord names and guitar chord diagrams. 240 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.699142. ISBN 0634000179. With guitar tablature, standard notation, vocal melody, lyrics, chord names and guitar chord diagrams. Rock, Classical Period, Movies, Pop, Standards and Country. 9x12 inches. This comprehensive collection for all guitarists includes 100 songs in genres from jazz standards, to pop. rock favorites, Motown masterpieces and movie music, to traditional tunes, country numbers and classical pieces. Notation styles include. note-for-note transcriptions. Give Me One Reason, Sweet Child O' Mine, Wild Thing. Easy Guitar with Notes & TAB. Building a Mystery, Day Tripper, Misty. Easy Guitar. Boot Scootin' Boogie, I Shot the Sheriff, My Favorite Things. Chord Melody Guitar. Alman, Bourree, Estudio. Fingerstyle Guitar. Amazing Grace, Greensleeves, My Heart Will Go On. and Guitar Riffs. Brown Eyed Girl, Here Comes the Sun, Layla. and more. Essential for every player. Circle Of Life. Don't Fear The Reaper. What Would You Say. I've Got Peace Like A River. Estudio Brillante. Give Me One Reason. Smoke On The Water. All The Things You Are. Building A Mystery. My Heart Will Go On. Love Theme From 'Titanic'. Blue On Black. Torn. Amazing Grace. March. Study in A Minor. Angie. Another One Bites The Dust. Autumn In New York. Autumn Leaves. Les Feuilles Mortes. Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You. Blackbird. Boot Scootin' Boogie. Born To Be Wild. Brown Eyed Girl. Can't Smile Without You. Candle In The Wind. Day Tripper. Don't Cry For Me Argentina. Dust In The Wind. Ebony And Ivory. Endless Love. Every Breath You Take. Forever In Love. From A Distance. Fur Elise. Georgia on My Mind. Gimme Three Steps. The Girl From Ipanema. Garota De Ipanema. Greensleeves. Have I Told You Lately. Heartache Tonight. Here Comes The Sun. Hey Joe. Hit Me With Your Best Shot. I Can't Help Myself. Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch. I Shot The Sheriff. Imagine. Isn't It Romantic. Jailhouse Rock. Jambalaya. On the Bayou. Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring. Just The Way You Are. Layla. Love Me Tender. Love Song. Where Do I Begin. Love Theme. The Magic Bus. Miss You. Misty. My Favorite Things. My Girl. No Particular Place To Go. Oh, Pretty Woman. Papa Loved Mama. Paranoid. Pride And Joy. Rhiannon. Rock And Roll All Nite. Satin Doll. School's Out. Shake, Rattle and Roll. Silent Night. Stormy Weather. Keeps Rainin' All the Time. Susie-Q. Sweet Child O' Mine. Sweet Home Alabama. Takin' Care Of Business. Tears In Heaven. This Old Man. Three Times A Lady. Ticket To Ride. True Love. Tulsa Time. Twist And Shout. Unchained Melody. Wake Up Little Susie. Walk This Way. When I Fall in Love. A Whole New World. Aladdin's Theme. Wild Thing. Will The Circle Be Unbroken. Wonderful Tonight. Silent Lucidity. Yesterday. You Give Love A Bad Name. You Really Got Me. You've Got A Friend. Espanoleta. Alman. Bourree.
Cel mai mare Guitar Songbook de Diverse. Pentru Guitar. Guitar Collection. Rock, perioada clasică, filme, Pop, Standarde si Tara. Dificultate. mediu. Tablature chitara Songbook. Tablature chitara, notație standard de, melodie vocal, versuri, nume de coardă de chitară și diagrame coardă. 240 pagini. Publicat de Hal Leonard. HL.699142. ISBN 0634000179. Cu chitara tablature, notație standard de, melodie vocal, versuri, nume de coardă de chitară și diagrame coardă. Rock, perioada clasică, filme, Pop, Standarde si Tara. 9x12 inch. Această colecție cuprinzătoare pentru toate chitaristi cuprinde 100 de melodii în genuri de standarde de jazz, pop. favorite rock, capodopere Motown și muzică de film, la melodii tradiționale, numere de țară și piese clasice. Stiluri de notare includ. nota-de-nota transcrieri. Dă-mi un motiv, Mine Sweet Child O ', Wild Thing. Ușor Guitar cu Note. Construirea unui Mister, zi excursionist, Misty. Ușor Guitar. Boot Scootin "Boogie, I Shot the Sheriff, lucrurile mele preferate. Chord Melody Guitar. Alman, Bourree, Estudio. Fingerstyle Guitar. Amazing Grace, Greensleeves, inima mea va merge pe. și Guitar Riffs. Brown Eyed Fata, Here Comes the Sun, Layla. și mai mult. Esențială pentru fiecare jucător. Circle Of Life. Nu se tem de Reaper. Ce ai spune. Am pace ca un râu. Luminos Studio. Dă-mi un motiv. Smoke on the Water. Toate lucrurile pe care le. Construirea un mister. My Heart Will Go On. Dragostea temă din "Titanic". Albastru pe negru. Rupt. Amazing Grace. Martie. Studiu în A minor. Angie. Un alt Unul Bites praf. Autumn In New York. Frunze de toamna. Les Feuilles Mortes. Iubito, am să te las. Mierlă. Boot Scootin "Boogie. Născut pentru a fi sălbatic. Brown Eyed Fata. Nu pot zâmbet Without You. Candle In The Wind. Day Tripper. Nu plânge pentru mine Argentina. Praf în vânt. Ebony si Ivory. Endless Love. Every Breath You Take. Pentru totdeauna In Love. De la distanță. Fur Elise. Georgia pe My Mind. Dă-mi trei pași. Fata din Ipanema. Garota De Ipanema. Greensleeves. Ti-am spus ultimul timp. Heartache Tonight. Here Comes The Sun. Hey Joe. Lovește-mă cu cel mai bun Shot dvs.. Eu nu pot ajuta Myself. Pie zahăr, miere Bunch. I Shot Sheriff. Imagina. Nu este El Romantic. Jailhouse Rock. Jambalaya. Pe Bayou. Jesu, Joy Of Dorind Man. Doar asa cum esti. Layla. Love Me Tender. Love Song. De unde să încep. Dragostea Tema. Magic Bus. Miss You. Cețos. Lucrurile mele preferate. Fata mea. Nici un loc special pentru a Du-te. Oh, Pretty Woman. Papa iubit Mama. Paranoid. Mândria și bucuria. Rhiannon. Rock and Roll All Nite. Satin Doll. Out școlii. Shake, Rattle and Roll. Silent Night. Vremea Stormy. Păstrează Rainin "tot timpul. Susie-Q. Mine copii dulce O '. Sweet Home Alabama. Takin 'Care of Business. Tears In Heaven. Acest om vechi. De trei ori pe Lady. Ticket to Ride. True Love. Tulsa Timp. Twist and Shout. Unchained Melody. Treziți-vă puțin Susie. Walk This Way. Când m-am Fall in Love. A Whole New World. Tema lui Aladdin. Wild Thing. Cercul va fi neîmblânzite. Wonderful Tonight. Luciditatea Silent. Ieri. Dă-te Dragoste A Bad Name. You Really Got Me. Ai un prieten. Espanoleta. Alman. Bourree.