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Country Hits - 2nd Edition. Various. Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music. Electric Guitar sheet music. Beginning.Traducere
Tara Hits - 2nd Edition. Divers. Pian, vocal, muzica de chitara foaie. Partituri de voce. Electric partituri chitara. Început.Original
Country Hits - 2nd Edition. Paperback Songs. By Various. For Guitar, Piano. Keyboard, Vocal. Hal Leonard Paperback Songs. Country. Difficulty. easy-medium. Fakebook. Vocal melody, lyrics, chord names and guitar chord reference. 255 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.702013. ISBN 0793552583. With vocal melody, lyrics, chord names and guitar chord reference. Country. 4.1x6.75 inches. This newly revised collection features 82 great country songs by top recording artists, all in one handy little book. It includes songs by Patsy Cline, Dixie Chicks, Faith Hill, Tim McGraw, George Strait, Hank Williams and dozens of other country stars. Songs include Crazy, The Gambler, Your Cheatin' Heart and many more. These perfectly portable paperbacks include the melodies, lyrics, and chord symbols for your favorite songs, all in a convenient, pocket-sized book. Using concise, one-line music notation, anyone from hobbyists to professionals can strum on the guitar, play melodies on the piano, or sing the lyrics to great songs. Books also include a helpful guitar chord chart. All books are 4-1. 8" x 6-3. 4". Foolish Pride. Ain't Goin' Down. 'Til The Sun Comes Up. I Can Love You Like That. The Keeper Of The Stars. Always on My Mind. Boot Scootin' Boogie. Busted. By The Time I Get To Phoenix. Chattahoochee. Cold, Cold Heart. Crazy. Cryin' Time. Down At The Twist And Shout. For The Good Times. Friends In Low Places. The Gambler. Gentle On My Mind. Green Green Grass Of Home. Hard Rock Bottom Of Your Heart. He Stopped Loving Her Today. Here's A Quarter. Call Someone Who Cares. Here You Come Again. Hey, Good Lookin'. I Fall To Pieces. Jambalaya. On the Bayou. Kentucky Rain. King Of The Road. Lucille. Mammas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to be Cowboys. Neon Moon. Okie From Muskogee. On The Other Hand. Rocky Top. Why Me. Why Me, Lord. Your Cheatin' Heart. Easy Come, Easy Go. Without You. XXX's And OOO's. An American Girl. Wild Angels. To Be Loved By You. Blue. All My Ex's Live In Texas. Amazed. Where The Green Grass Grows. Forever's As Far As I'll Go. Please Remember Me. Write This Down. Breathe. Cowboy Take Me Away. He Didn't Have To Be. My Best Friend. The Best Day. The Way You Love Me. I Hope You Dance. What About Now. Kiss This. Best Of Intentions. Just Another Day In Paradise. We Danced. Born To Fly. My Next Thirty Years. Almost Goodbye. Walk On Faith. Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain. Does Fort Worth Ever Cross Your Mind. Give Me Wings. A Good Hearted Woman. Have Mercy. He Thinks He'll Keep Her. Honky Tonk Blues. Honky Tonkin'. I Can't Stop Loving You. I Walk The Line. I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry. If You Change Your Mind. Let Me Tell You About Love. Love Is Alive. Oh, Lonesome Me. Release Me. Swingin'. Too Gone Too Long. Walkin' After Midnight.Traducere
Tara Hits - 2nd Edition. Songs paperback. Prin Diverse. Pentru chitara, pian. Tastatură, Vocal. Cantece Hal Leonard Paperback. Țară. Dificultate. ușor-mediu. Fakebook. Melodie vocal, versuri, numele acordurilor și chitară de referință coardă. 255 de pagini. Publicat de Hal Leonard. HL.702013. ISBN 0793552583. Cu melodie vocal, versuri, numele acordurilor și chitară de referință coardă. Țară. 4.1x6.75 inch. Această colecție recent revizuit include 82 de melodii țară mare de artiști de înregistrare de top, toate într-o singură carte la îndemână mic. Acesta include piese de Patsy Cline, Dixie Chicks, Faith Hill, Tim McGraw, George Strait, Hank Williams și zeci de alte stele țări. Melodii includ Crazy, The Gambler, dvs cheatin Inima si multe altele. Aceste cartonate perfect portabile includ melodiile, versurile, și simboluri coardă pentru melodiile preferate, toate într-o, carte de buzunar convenabil. Folosind concis, notații muzicale-o linie, cineva de la pasionati pentru profesioniști pot strum pe chitara, reda melodii la pian, sau cântă versurile pentru piese mari. Cărți includ, de asemenea, un ajutor diagramă coarda de chitara. Toate cărțile sunt 4-1. 8 "x 6-3. 4 ". Pride Foolish. Nu merg în jos. 'Til soarele rasare. Te pot iubi Like That. Păstrătorul a stelelor. Mereu în mintea mea. Boot Scootin "Boogie. Prins. Până când am ajunge la Phoenix. Chattahoochee. Rece, inima rece. Nebun. Ora Cryin '. Jos, la Twist and Shout. Pentru Good Times. Prieteni în low Places. The Gambler. Gentle On My Mind. Green Green Grass Of Acasă. Rock Bottom greu inima ta. El a oprit Loving astazi. Iată un sfert. Suna cineva căruia îi pasă. Aici ai venit din nou. Hey, Good Lookin '. I Fall To Pieces. Jambalaya. Pe Bayou. Kentucky ploaie. King Of The Road. Lucille. Mammas Nu lăsați copiii dumneavoastră să crească până să fie Cowboys. Neon Moon. Okie la Muskogee. Pe de altă parte,. Rocky Top. De ce eu. De ce eu, Doamne. Dvs. Cheatin 'Heart. Ușor Vino, Easy Go. Fără ai. A XXX Și OOO lui. O fată american. Angels Wild. Pentru a fi iubit de ai. Albastru. All My Ex Live In Texas. Uluit. În cazul în care Iarba verde creste. Forever's As Far As I'll Go. Vă rugăm să Ține-mă minte. Notez. Respira. Cowboy Take Me Away. El nu trebuie să fie. Cel mai bun prieten meu. Cel mai bun Ziua. Way You Love Me. Sper să Dance. Dar acum. Acest sărut. Cel mai bun de intenții. Just Another Day In Paradise. We Danced. Nascuti pentru a zbura. My următorii treizeci de ani. Aproape revedere. Walk On Faith. Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain. Are Fort Worth a trecut prin minte ta. Dă-mi Wings. Un Hearted Woman bun. Au Mercy. El crede că va păstra ei. Honky Tonk Blues. Honky Tonkin ". Nu se poate opri Loving You. I Walk The Line. Sunt atât de Lonesome I Could Cry. Dacă vă răzgândiți. Să-ți spun despre dragoste. Love Is Alive. Oh, Lonesome Me. Release Me. Swingin '. Prea plecat prea mult timp. Walkin 'After Midnight.Căutări frecvente