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Slayer - Christ Illusion. Slayer. Electric Guitar sheet music. Guitar Tablature sheet music.
Slayer - Hristos Illusion. Criminal. Electric partituri chitara. Chitară Tablature foaie de muzică.
Slayer - Christ Illusion by Slayer. For Guitar. Guitar Recorded Version. Heavy metal, thrash metal. Softcover. Guitar tablature. 128 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.690872. ISBN 142342140X. With guitar tablature. heavy metal, thrash metal. 9x12 inches. The original Slayer lineup reunited for this intense 2006 CD with a strong anti-war message. Our folio features notes & tab for all 10 songs. Black Serenade. Catalyst. Catatonic. Consfearacy. Cult. Eyes of the Insane. Flesh Storm. Jihad. Skeleton Christ. Supremist. PARENTAL ADVISORY. Guitar Recorded Versions are note-for-note transcriptions of guitar music taken directly off recordings. This series, one of the most popular in print today, features some of the greatest guitar players and groups from blues, rock, and heavy metal. Guitar Recorded Versions are transcribed by the best transcribers in the business. Every book contains notes and tablature. Catalyst. Black Serenade. Catatonic. Consfearacy. Skeleton Christ. Flesh Storm. Eyes Of The Insane. Jihad. Supremist. Cult.
Slayer - Hristos Illusion de Slayer. Pentru Guitar. Guitar înregistrat Version. Heavy metal, thrash. Softcover. Tablature chitara. 128 de pagini. Publicat de Hal Leonard. HL.690872. ISBN 142342140X. Cu chitara tablature. heavy metal, thrash. 9x12 inch. Original gama Slayer au reunit pentru acest intensa 2006 CD-ul cu un mesaj anti-război puternic. Folio nostru dispune de note. Negru Serenade. Catalizator. Catatonic. Consfearacy. Cult. Ochii de Insane. Carne Storm. Jihad. Schelet Hristos. Supremist. Parental Advisory. Chitara Versiuni înregistrate sunt note-de-note transcrieri de muzica de chitara luate direct de pe înregistrări. Această serie, una dintre cele mai populare în imprimare de astăzi, include unele dintre cele mai mari chitaristi și grupurile din blues, rock, și metale grele. Chitara Versiunile înregistrate sunt transcrise de cei mai buni transcribers în afaceri. Fiecare carte conține note și tablature. Catalizator. Negru Serenade. Catatonic. Consfearacy. Schelet Hristos. Carne Storm. Eyes Of The Insane. Jihad. Supremist. Cult.