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101 Easy Fingerstyle Guitar Solos. Larry McCabe. Fingerpicking Guitar sheet music. Guitar Solo sheet music. Beginning.Traducere
101 Easy Fingerstyle Guitar Solos. Larry McCabe. Muzica fingerpicking foaie Guitar. Guitar Solo partituri. Început.Original
101 Easy Fingerstyle Guitar Solos composed by Larry McCabe. For Guitar. Fingerpicking. Squareback saddle-stitched, Solos. McCabe's 101 Series. All Styles. Beginning-Intermediate. Book. CD Set. 104 pages. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.99333BCD. ISBN 9780786657933. All Styles. 8.75 x 11.75 inches. This book with CD contains a wealth of time-honored songs arranged for beginning to intermediate guitarists. Many styles are covered including American standards, country songs, blues, hymns and spirituals, calypso, train songs, European standards, children's songs, Christmas songs, Stephen Foster songs, patriotic songs, light classical, and more. These great-sounding solos can be played on any 6 or 12-string guitar. The companion CD contains every song in the book played note-for-note. Abilene. Across The Western Ocean. All The Good Times are Past and Gone. All The Pretty Little Horses. Au Clair de la Lune. Aura Lee. Banks of the Ohio, The. Big Ball In Boston. Bile Them Cabbage Down. Blow The Wind Southerly. Blue Bell Of Scotland. Bury Me Beneath The Willow. Bury Me Not On The Lone Prairie. Camptown Races. Careless Love. Clementine. Corrine, Corrina. Cripple Creek. Cruel War, The. Danville Girl. Down in the Valley. Drunken Sailor. East Virginia. Fair Eleanor. Faith of Our Fathers. Frankie and Johnny. Freight Train. God Is So Good. Good Night Ladies. Green Grow The Lilacs. Groundhog. Hand Me Down My Walking Cane. Handsome Molly. House Of The Rising Sun. Hush Little Baby. I Know Where I'm Going. I Wish I Was Single Again. I'm On My Way. It Ain't Gonna Rain No More. J'ai Passe Devant Ta Porte. Johnny Get Your Haircut. Johnny Has Gone For a Soldier. Jolly Old Saint Nicholas. Joys of Love, The. Just As I Am. Kevin Barry. Little Rosewood Casket. Liza Jane. Loch Lomond. Lonesome Valley. Long Journey Home. Look Down That Lonesome Road. Lord Randall. Love Came Down At Christmas. Mary Ann. Mary Hamilton. Midnight Special. Midst the Deep Silence. Mississippi Delta Blues. Moderato. Molly Malone. New River Train. Nine Hundred Miles. Nine Pound Hammer. November. Oh, Mary Don't You Weep. Old Joe Clark. Pay Me My Money Down. Poor Ellen Smith. Prelude in C. Pretty Polly. Railroad Bill. Rain. Riddle Song, The. Ring the Banjo. Rock My Soul. Roll In My Sweet Baby's Arms. Saint James' Infirmary. Salty Dog. Sandy Land. Scarborough Fair. Shady Grove. Short'nin' Bread. Sinner Man. Skip to My Lou. Skye Boat Song, The. Sourwood Mountain. Spinning Wheel Song. Steel Mill Blues. Streets Of Laredo, The. Sugar Babe. There's A River Of Life. Tom Dooley. We Three Kings. What a Friend We Have in Jesus. When The Saints Go Marching In. Wildwood Flower. Will The Circle Be Unbroken. William Taylor. Wreck of the Old '97, The. Yankee Doodle.Traducere
101 Easy fingerstyle Chitară Solos compuse de Larry McCabe. Pentru Guitar. Fingerpicking. Squareback capsate, Solos. 101 Series McCabe lui. Toate stilurile. Începând-Intermediar. Carte. CD Set. 104 pagini. Publicat de Mel Bay Publicații, Inc. MB.99333BCD. ISBN 9780786657933. Toate stilurile. 8,75 x 11,75 cm. Această carte cu CD-ul contine o multitudine de piese de timp onorat aranjat pentru a începe să chitaristi intermediare. Multe stiluri sunt acoperite, inclusiv standardele americane, cântece de țară, blues, imnuri și spirituals, calypso, cântece de tren, standarde europene, cântece pentru copii, cantece de Craciun, cantece Stephen Foster, cântece patriotice, clasice lumină, și mai mult. Aceste solo-uri de mare-sondare poate fi jucat pe orice chitară 6 sau 12-string. CD-ul contine companion fiecare melodie în cartea a jucat nota-de-nota. Abilene. Peste Oceanul de Vest. Toate bune Times sunt trecute și Gone. Toate Pretty Little Horses. La lumina lunii. Aura Lee. Băncile din Ohio,. Big Ball In Boston. Bilă le Varza Jos. Blow Vânt sud. Blue Bell Din Scoția. Bury Me Sub Willow. Bury Me Not On The Lone Prairie. Camptown Races. Dragostea Careless. Clementine. Corrine, Corrina. Cripple Creek. Crud război,. Danville Fata. Jos în Valea. Sailor Drunken. Est Virginia. Fair Eleanor. Credința părinților noștri. Frankie și Johnny. Marfă de tren. Dumnezeu este atât de bun. Good Night Ladies. Verde crească liliac. Groundhog. Dă-Me Down meu Cane de mers pe jos. Frumos Molly. House Of The Rising Sun. Hush copil mic. Știu unde merg. Am vrea să fiu din nou singur. Eu sunt pe drum. Nu se va ploaie nu mai. Înainte de a trece ușa ta. Johnny Ia Tunsoarea ta. Johnny a plecat pentru un soldat. Jolly Old Saint Nicholas. Bucuriile de dragoste,. Așa cum sunt. Kevin Barry. Micul Rosewood sicriu. Liza Jane. Loch Lomond. Lonesome Valley. Lung Journey Acasă. Uită-te jos care Lonesome Road. Lord Randall. Iubirea a venit la Crăciun. Mary Ann. Mary Hamilton. Midnight Special. Mijlocul Deep Silence. Mississippi Delta Blues. Moderat. Molly Malone. New River de tren. Nine Hundred Miles. Nine Pound Hammer. Noiembrie. Oh, Mary nu plângi. Old Joe Clark. Plătește-mi banii mei Jos. Poor Ellen Smith. Preludiu în C. Destul de Polly. Bill Railroad. Ploaie. Riddle Song,. Inel Banjo. Rock My Soul. Rola In Arms My Sweet Baby despre. Saint James "Infirmary. Dog Sărat. Sandy Land. Scarborough Fair. Shady Grove. Short'nin "Pâine. Sinner Man. Treci la Lou meu. Skye Boat Song,. Sourwood Mountain. Spinning Wheel Song. Steel Mill Blues. Străzi din Laredo,. Sugar Babe. Există un râu de viață. Tom Dooley. Noi Trei Regi. Ce prieten avem în Isus. Când Saints Go Marching In. Wildwood flori. Cercul va fi neîmblânzite. William Taylor. Epavă a Vechiului '97,. Yankee Doodle.Căutări frecvente