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Sing Together. Choir sheet music.
Cânta împreună. Partituri cor.
Sing Together arranged by William Appleby. Frederick Fowler. For youth choir. Classroom Songs. Song Book. 128 pages. Published by Oxford University Press. OU.9780193301566. ISBN 9780193301566. Classroom Songs. 10 x 7 inches. A wonderful collection of one hundred traditional unison songs with piano accompaniments. The Noble Duke Of York. My Father's Garden. My Aunt Jemima. Skip to My Lou. Jim Along Josie. Spring Song. Punchinello. The Merry Cobbler. The Riddle. Green and White. John Smith, Fellow Fine. Come Home Now. The Gay Musician. The Fox's Song. Anna Marie. Michael Finnigin. This Old Man. The Keeper. Ten in the Bed. One Man Went To Mow. There Was A Jolly Miller. Boney Was a Warrior. Down in Demerara. Donkey Riding. What Shall We Do With The Drunken Sailor. Fire Down Below. The Farmyard. Andulko. Scraping Up Sand. The Shepherdess. The Little Boy and the Sheep. Bobby Shafto. The Cobbler and the Crow. The Barnyard Song. Turn The Glasses Over. Green Grow the Leaves. Oh, Susanna. Shenandoah. The Animals Went In Two By Two. Li'l Liza Jane. Sacramento. Sally Brown. The Smuggler's Song. Rio Grande. Sweet Nightingale. Leave Her, Johhny. Pretty Polly Oliver. Robin Adair. O Rare Turpin. The Lass Of Richmond Hill. The Lincolnshire Poacher. I's The B'y That Builds the Boat. John Barleycorn. Hope, The Hermit. Ho-La-Hi. Fisherman's Night Song. Farewell, Manchester. Faithful Johnny. Elsie Marley. Early One Morning. Captain Morgan's March. The Cuckoo. The British Grenadiers. Cockles And Mussels. Barbara Allen. Charlie Is My Darling. Cader Idris. Blow Away The Morning Dew. Afton Water. The Ash Grove. A-Roving. Golden Slumbers. The Tree in the Wood. Green Grow the Rushers, Ho. Marching Through Georgia. John Brown's Body. Jennie Jenkins. Camptown Races. Ye Banks And Braes. The Wraggle Taggle Gipsies. Will Ye No Come Back Again. We Be Three Poor Mariners. Waltzing Matilda. The Vicar Of Bray. Song of the Western Men. The Oak and the Ash. My Bonny Cuckoo. The Minstrel Boy. The Miller of Dee. The Mermaid. Men Of Harlech. The Mallow Fling. Loch Lomond. High Germany. Heart of Oak. The Flight Of The Earls. Drink to Me Only. Darby Kelly. Bonnie Dundee. The Bay Of Biscay.
Cânta împreună aranjate de William Appleby. Frederick Fowler. Pentru cor tineri. Clasă Songs. Song Book. 128 de pagini. Publicat de Oxford University Press. OU.9780193301566. ISBN 9780193301566. Clasă Songs. 10 x 7 cm. O colectie de catre o sută de cântece tradiționale unison cu acompaniament de pian. Noble Ducele de York. Garden Tatălui Meu. Mătușa Jemima. Treci la Lou meu. Jim a lungul Josie. Primăvară Song. Pancinello. Merry Cizmarul. Riddle. Verde și alb. John Smith, Fellow Fine. Vino acasă acum. Gay Musician. Song Fox. Anna Marie. Michael Finnigin. Acest om vechi. Păstrătorul. Zece în pat. Un om sa dus să cosească. Nu a fost un Jolly Miller. Boney fost un războinic. Jos în Demerara. Riding Donkey. Ce facem cu Drunken Sailor. Fire Down Below. Farmyard. Andulko. Răzuire Up Nisip. Păstoriță. The Little Boy și oile. Bobby Shafto. Cizmarul și Crow. Barnyard Song. Turn Ochelari Peste. Verde Crestere Frunze. Oh, Susanna. Shenandoah. Animalele au intrat doi câte doi. Lil Liza Jane. Sacramento. Sally Brown. Song traficantului. Rio Grande. Dulce Nightingale. Las-o, Johhny. Destul de Polly Oliver. Robin Adair. O Rare Turpin. Lass Of Richmond Hill. Lincolnshire Braconierul. I e B'y care construiește barca. Personificarea berei. Hope, Pustnicul. Ho-La-Hi. Fisherman Noapte Song. Adio, Manchester. Credincios Johnny. Elsie Marley. Într-o dimineață devreme. Captain Morgan martie. De cuci. Grenadierii britanici. Scoici și midii. Barbara Allen. Charlie este draga mea. Cader Idris. Lovitură departe în roua dimineții. Afton apă. Ash Grove. A-Roving. Somnul de aur. Copacul din Lemn. Verde Crestere de rushers, Ho. Marș prin Georgia. Corpul lui John Brown. Jennie Jenkins. Camptown Races. Voi Băncile și Braes. Cele Wraggle Taggle țigani. Voi nu va veni din nou. Noi trei Mariners Poor. Waltzing Matilda. Oportunist. Song a Men Vest. Stejar și frasin. Mea Bonny Cuckoo. Trubadur Boy. Miller a Dee. Mermaid. Men of Harlech. Fling Mallow. Loch Lomond. Mare Germania. Heart of Oak. Zbor al Earls. Bea numai mie. Darby Kelly. Bonnie Dundee. Golful Biscaya.