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Selections from VH1's 1-Hit Wonders. Various. Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music. Electric Guitar sheet music.


Selecții din Wonders 1-Hit VH1 lui. Divers. Pian, vocal, muzica de chitara foaie. Partituri de voce. Electric partituri chitara.


Selections from VH1's 1-Hit Wonders by Various. For Piano. Vocal. Guitar. C. Pop. Songbook. Vocal melody, lyrics, piano accompaniment, chord names and guitar chord diagrams. 536 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.306867. ISBN 1423424980. With vocal melody, lyrics, piano accompaniment, chord names and guitar chord diagrams. Pop. 9x12 inches. This cool compilation based on the VH1 special ranks nearly 100 hits that have survived much longer than the careers of the artists who recorded them. Whoomp. There It Is. Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm. Achy Breaky Heart. Don't Tell My Heart. What's Up. How Do You Talk to an Angel. Afternoon Delight. You Gotta Be. I've Never Been To Me. Whip It. Lovin' You. Macarena. No Rain. Got To Be Real. Hot Child In The City. Genius Of Love. Somebody's Watching Me. What Is Love. Lovefool. Bitch. How Bizarre. Barbie Girl. Turning Japanese. Tubthumping. You Get What You Give. Rapper's Delight. Mambo No. 5. A Little Bit Of.. I'm Too Sexy. Who Let the Dogs Out. I'm Gonna Be. 500 Miles. Bust A Move. Rebirth Of Slick. Cool Like Dat. Baby Got Back. I Melt With You. Just A Friend. I Want Candy. Relax. What I Am. Bitter Sweet Symphony. Pass The Dutchie. More, More, More. Rico Suave. In My House. Pop Muzik. It Takes Two. We Don't Have To Take Our Clothes Off. Cars. A Girl Like You. Jump Around. Makin' It. Come On Eileen. Convoy. Don't Give Up On Us. Don't Leave Me This Way. Don't Wanna Fall In Love. Don't Worry, Be Happy. 867-5309. Jenny. Electric Avenue. Funkytown. Harper Valley P.T.A. Heart And Soul. Hot Hot Hot. The Hustle. I Know What Boys Like. I Touch Myself. Ice Ice Baby. In A Big Country. In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida. It's Raining Men. Kung Fu Fighting. Maniac. Me And Mrs. Jones. Mickey. The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia. 99 Red Balloons. 99 Luftballons. Nothing Compares 2 U. Puttin' on the Ritz. Rock & Roll - Part II. The Hey Song. The Safety Dance. Seasons In The Sun. Le Moribond. Smokin' In The Boys Room. Spirit in the Sky. Stumblin' In. Take On Me. Turn the Beat Around. Unbelievable. We're Not Gonna Take It. Epic. She Blinded Me With Science. Tainted Love. Play That Funky Music. You Light Up My Life.


Selecții din Wonders 1-viață VH1 lui prin diferite. Pentru pian. Vocal. Chitară. C. Pop. Songbook. Melodie vocal, versuri, acompaniament de pian, nume de coardă de chitară și diagrame coardă. 536 de pagini. Publicat de Hal Leonard. HL.306867. ISBN 1423424980. Cu melodie vocal, versuri, acompaniament de pian, nume de coardă de chitară și diagrame coardă. Pop. 9x12 inch. Această compilație rece bazat pe rândurile speciale VH1 aproape 100 de hit-uri care au supraviețuit mult mai mult decât carierele artiștilor care le-au înregistrat. Whoomp. There It Is. Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm. Dureroase Breaky Heart. Nu-i spune inima mea. Ce mai e nou. Cum sa vorbesti la un înger. Dupa-amiaza Delight. You Gotta Be. Niciodată nu am fost la mine. Whip It. Lovin 'You. Macarena. Nici o ploaie. Trebuie să fie real. Copil Hot In The City. Genius Of Love. Cineva mă urmărește. Ce este dragostea. Lovefool. Cățea. How Bizarre. Barbie Fata. Cotitură japoneză. Tubthumping. Veți obține ceea ce da. Delight rapper. Mambo No. 5. Un pic de.. Sunt prea sexy. Cine a dat drumul la câini. Voi fi. 500 Miles. Bust A Move. Renaștere a Slick. Rece Ca Dat. Copil Got Back. Am topește cu tine. Doar un prieten. I Want Candy. Relaxa. Ceea ce am. Bitter dulce Symphony. Pass Dutchie. Mai, mai, mai mult. Rico Suave. In My House. Pop Muzik. Este nevoie de doi. Noi nu trebuie să ia hainele noastre Off. Cars. O fata ca tine. Sari Around. Makin 'A. Come On Eileen. Convoi. Nu renunța la noi. Nu Leave Me This Way. Nu vreau să Fall In Love. Nu vă faceți griji, Be Happy. 867-5309. Macara mobilă. Electric Avenue. Funky town. Harper Valley P.T.A. Inima și sufletul. Hot Hot Hot. Hustle. Stiu ce Boys Like. Eu însumi Touch. Ice Ice Baby. La un Big Country. In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida. Plouă Men. Kung Fu Fighting. Maniac. Me And Mrs. Jones. Băutură conținând un drog. În noaptea-au stins luminile în Georgia. 99 de baloane roșii. 99 de baloane. Nimic nu se compară 2 U. Puttin 'pe Ritz. Stâncă. Hei Song. Dansul de siguranță. Seasons In The Sun. Muribundă. Smokin 'In The Boys cameră. Spirit in the Sky. Stumblin "În. Ia On Me. Rotiți Beat Around. De necrezut. Nu vom Take It. Epic. Ea ma orbit cu Stiinta. Dragostea Tainted. Asta juca Funky Muzica. Ai Light Up My Life.