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Broadway Pop. Rock. Various. Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music. Electric Guitar sheet music.


Broadway Pop. Stâncă. Divers. Pian, vocal, muzica de chitara foaie. Partituri de voce. Electric partituri chitara.


Broadway Pop. Rock composed by Various. For Piano. Vocal. Guitar. Piano. Vocal. Guitar Songbook. Softcover. 306 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.311418. ISBN 1423427424. 9x12 inches. Over 50 popular hits as performed on Broadway. Includes. All Shook Up. Dreamgirls. Footloose. Mamma Mia. Movin' Out. Anthony's Song. Seasons of Love. Stayin' Alive. Summer Nights. Wouldn't It Be Nice. You'll Be in My Heart. and more. Holding Out For A Hero. Circle Of Life. Can you feel the love tonight. December 1963. Oh, What A Night. Seasons Of Love. One Song Glory. All Shook Up. Almost Paradise. Written in the Stars. Son Of Man. Strangers Like Me. You'll Be in My Heart. Elaborate Lives. Mama, I'm a Big Girl Now. I Can Hear the Bells. One Night Only. Dreamgirls. Big Girls Don't Cry. Blue Suede Shoes. Born To Hand Jive. Dancing Queen. Day by Day. Don't Cry Out Loud. We Don't Cry Out Loud. Footloose. Hound Dog. How Deep Is Your Love. I Don't Know How To Love Him. I Go To Rio. If I Can't Have You. Jailhouse Rock. Just The Way You Are. Kiss the Girl. Knowing Me, Knowing You. The Last Night Of The World. Let's Hang On. Let's Hear It For The Boy. The Longest Time. Mamma Mia. Movin' Out. Anthony's Song. On Broadway. Song Of The King. Stand By Me. Stayin' Alive. Summer Nights. Superstar. Take a Chance on Me. Uptown Girl. We Go Together. Working My Way Back To You. Wouldn't It Be Nice. Greased Lightnin'. Good Vibrations.


Broadway Pop. Rock compus din Diverse. Pentru pian. Vocal. Chitară. Plan. Vocal. Guitar Songbook. Softcover. 306 de pagini. Publicat de Hal Leonard. HL.311418. ISBN 1423427424. 9x12 inch. Peste 50 de hit-uri populare, efectuate pe Broadway. Include. Toate Shook Up. Dreamgirls. Footloose. Dumnezeule. Movin 'Out. Song lui Anthony. Seasons de dragoste. Stayin 'Alive. Summer Nights. Nu ar fi frumos. Vei fi in inima mea. și mai mult. Deținerea de un erou. Circle Of Life. Poti sa simti iubirea in seara asta. Decembrie 1963. Oh, ce noapte. Seasons Of Love. Unul Song Glory. Toate Shook Up. Aproape Paradise. Scris în stele. Son Of Man. Strangers Like Me. Vei fi in inima mea. Lives elaborate. Mama, eu sunt o fată mare acum. Eu pot auzi Bells. Doar o noapte. Dreamgirls. Fete Big Nu Cry. Blue Suede Shoes. Născut la mână Jive. Dancing Queen. Zi de zi. Nu Cry Out Loud. Noi nu Cry Out Loud. Footloose. Hound Dog. Cât de adâncă este dragostea ta. Nu știu cum să-l iubesc. Mă duc la Rio. Dacă eu nu te pot avea. Jailhouse Rock. Doar asa cum esti. Kiss fata. Knowing Me, știind că. Ultima noapte a lumii. Să Hang On. Să auzim Este pentru băiat. Cel mai lung timp. Dumnezeule. Movin 'Out. Song lui Anthony. Pe Broadway. Song Of The King. Stand By Me. Stayin 'Alive. Summer Nights. Superstar. Ia-o șansă pe Mine. Uptown Fata. Noi mergem împreună. Lucru My Way Back To You. Nu ar fi frumos. Uns Lightnin '. Good Vibrations.