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Three Chord Songs Fake Book. Various. C Instrument sheet music. Piano sheet music.
Trei Cântece Chord Fake Book. Divers. Instrumentul C partituri. Partituri de pian.
Three Chord Songs Fake Book composed by Various. For C Instruments. Fake Book. Softcover. 368 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.240387. ISBN 145840482X. 9x12 inches. This ultimate collection features 200 classic and contemporary 3-chord tunes in melody. lyric. chord format. Songs include. Ain't No Sunshine. Bang a Gong. Get It On. Cold, Cold Heart. Don't Worry, Be Happy. Give Me One Reason. Heart Shaped Box. I Got You. I Feel Good. Jet Airliner. Kiss. Me and Bobby McGee. Not Fade Away. Rock This Town. Seven Bridges Road. Three Little Birds. Werewolves of London. You Don't Mess Around with Jim. and scores more. Spiral-bound to stay open flat. All Apologies. I Saw The Light. Dreams. American Woman. Rock Me. Werewolves of London. Honky Tonk Man. Hold My Hand. Amanda. Rain. Jet Airliner. Alberta. All Along the Watchtower. Closer To Free. Give Me One Reason. The Stroll. Too Much. All Right Now. All Shook Up. Pride And Joy. What I Got. All Together Now. C.C. Rider. Can't You See. I'll Take You There. Honey. Breakdown. Smoking Gun. Stuck On You. Heartbreak Hotel. Satin Sheets. Ain't No Sunshine. Hard Time Losin' Man. At My Front Door. Coat Of Many Colors. Authority Song. Tube Snake Boogie. Donna. Boom Boom. Betty Lou's Gettin' Out Tonight. Sunspot Baby. Bad Case Of Loving You. Bad Moon Rising. The Ballad Of John And Yoko. Bang A Gong. Get It On. Barbara Ann. Be-Bop-A-Lula. Rockin' Robin. Before You Accuse Me. Take A Look At Yourself. Games People Play. Believe What You Say. The Promised Land. Big Boss Man. Black Denim Trousers And Motorcycle Boots. Daddy Sang Bass. Stir It Up. Blowin' In The Wind. Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain. Blue Moon Of Kentucky. Blue Suede Shoes. Bluejean Bop. Boot Scootin' Boogie. A Boy Named Sue. Brand New Man. Bread And Butter. Jolene. La Bamba. The Midnight Special. Bye Bye Love. Call Me The Breeze. Searchin'. Cecilia. Chantilly Lace. Kiss. Cherry, Cherry. Get Back. Cold, Cold Heart. Cross Road Blues. Crossroads. Cryin' Time. Da Doo Ron Ron. When He Walked Me Home. Deep In The Heart Of Texas. Deportee. Plane Wreck At Los Gatos. Dizzy Miss Lizzie. Do You Want To Dance. Don't Worry, Be Happy. Time For Me To Fly. Dream Baby. How Long Must I Dream. My Best Friend's Girl. Elvira. Every Day I Have The Blues. Family Tradition. The First Cut Is the Deepest. Fly Like An Eagle. Folsom Prison Blues. 409. The Gambler. Gentle On My Mind. Good Golly Miss Molly. The Green Door. Green Green Grass Of Home. Guitars, Cadillacs. Hang On Sloopy. Happy Jack. He Stopped Loving Her Today. He'll Have To Go. Heart Shaped Box. Heartaches By The Number. Here's A Quarter. Call Someone Who Cares. Hi-Heel Sneakers. Honeycomb. Hot Legs. Hound Dog. The House Is Rockin'. I Don't Care If The Sun Don't Shine. I Fall To Pieces. I Feel Lucky. I Fought The Law. I Got You. I Feel Good. I Love Rock 'N Roll. I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For. I'm Down. I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry. I've Got A Tiger By The Tail. It's Hard To Be Humble. Jackson. Jealous Heart. The Joker. Kansas City. King Of The Road. Lay Down Sally. Leaving On A Jet Plane. Let the Good TImes Roll. Little Honda. Lively Up Yourself. Lonely Street. Long Tall Sally. Louie, Louie. Love Me Do. Make The World Go Away. Mammas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to be Cowboys. Matchbox. Me And Bobby McGee. Mean Woman Blues. Money. That's What I Want. Mony, Mony. Move It On Over. Mustang Sally. Nadine. Is It You. No Particular Place To Go. Not Fade Away. Oh Boy. Old Time Rock & Roll. One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer. Peppermint Twist. Ready Teddy. Release Me. Rhiannon. Ring Of Fire. Rip It Up. Rock Around The Clock. Rock This Town. Route 66. Ruby Baby. Sad Songs. Say So Much. See You Later, Alligator. She Don't Know She's Beautiful. Singing The Blues. Spanish Harlem. Squeeze Box. Strange Brew. Surfin' U.S.A. Sweet Home Chicago. Let Me Be Your. Teddy Bear. These Boots Are Made For Walkin'. This Land Is Your Land. Three Little Birds. Tulsa Time. Turn Me Loose. T-R-O-U-B-L-E. Tutti Frutti. The Twist. Twist And Shout. Walk Of Life. When Will I Be Loved. When You Say Nothing At All. Why Don't We Do It In The Road. Willie and the Hand Jive. Wooly Bully. Sunshine Superman. Evil Ways. Working Class Hero. Seven Bridges Road. You Are My Sunshine. You Don't Mess Around with Jim. Your Mama Don't Dance. Used To Love Her. Mellow Yellow. Shelter from the Storm. Green River. Up Around The Bend.
Trei Cântece Chord Fake Book compuse de diverse. Pentru C Instrumente. Fake Book. Softcover. 368 de pagini. Publicat de Hal Leonard. HL.240387. ISBN 145840482X. 9x12 inches. Aceasta colectie final are 200 de piese 3-coardă clasice și contemporane în melodie. liric. format coardă. Songs includ. Nu este No Sunshine. Bang o Gong. Get It On. Rece, inima rece. Nu vă faceți griji, Be Happy. Dă-mi un motiv. Inima în formă de Box. Te-am prins. I Feel Good. Jet Airliner. Sărut. Eu și Bobby McGee. Nu Fade Away. Rock This Town. Seven Bridges Road. Three Little Birds. Vârcolaci din Londra. Nu te pune Around cu Jim. și scoruri mai mult. Spiral-obligat să rămână deschise plat. Toate Ne cerem scuze. Am văzut lumina. Dreams. Femeia american. Rock Me. Vârcolaci din Londra. Honky Tonk Man. Hold My Hand. Amanda. Ploaie. Jet Airliner. Alberta. De-a lungul Watchtower. Mai aproape de a elibera. Dă-mi un motiv. Plimbare. Prea mult. Toate Right Now. Toate Shook Up. Mândria și bucuria. Ce am. Toate împreună acum. C. C. Călăreț. Nu pot vedea. Voi lua You There. Miere. Avarie. Gun fumat. Stuck On You. Heartbreak hotel. Foi de satin. Nu este No Sunshine. Omul greu de timp Losin '. La ușa din față mea. Haina de mai multe culori. Autoritate Song. Tube Snake Boogie. Femeie. Boom Boom. Gettin Betty Lou "Out Tonight. Petelor solare pentru copii. Bad cazul Loving You. Bad Moon Rising. Balada lui Ioan și Yoko. Bang A Gong. Get It On. Barbara Ann. Be-Bop-A-Lula. Rockin 'Robin. Înainte de ai acuza Me. Aruncati o privire la te. Oamenii Jocuri Joaca. Crede ceea ce spui. Țara Promisă. Big Boss Man. Negru Denim pantaloni și Motociclete Boots. Daddy Sang Bass. Se amestecă It Up. Blowin 'in the Wind. Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain. Blue Moon of Kentucky. Blue Suede Shoes. Bluejean Bop. Boot Scootin "Boogie. Un baiat pe nume Sue. Brand New Man. Pâine cu unt. Jolene. La Bamba. Midnight Special. Bye Bye Dragostea. Call Me Breeze. Searchin '. Cecilia. Chantilly Lace. Sărut. Cherry, Cherry. Reveni. Rece, inima rece. Cross Road Blues. Intersecție. Ora Cryin '. Da Doo Ron Ron. Când ma condus Acasă. Adânc în inima de Texas. Deportat. Plan Wreck La Los Gatos. Dizzy domnișoara Lizzie. Nu vrei să dansezi. Nu vă faceți griji, Be Happy. Timp pentru mine să Fly. Vis pentru copii. Cât timp trebuie să vis. Fata mea cel mai bun prieten. Elvira. In fiecare zi am Blues. Tradiție de familie. Prima taietura este cel mai profund. Zbura ca un vultur. Folsom Prison Blues. 409. The Gambler. Gentle On My Mind. Bun Golly domnișoara Molly. Green Door. Green Green Grass Of Acasă. Chitare, Cadillac. Hang On Sloopy. Happy Jack. El a oprit Loving astazi. El va trebui să treacă. Inima în formă de Box. Heartaches de numărul. Iată un sfert. Suna cineva căruia îi pasă. Adidasi hi-toc. Fagure de miere. Picioare calde. Hound Dog. Casa este Rockin '. Nu-mi pasă dacă nu bate soarele. I Fall To Pieces. Eu simt norocos. M-am luptat Legea. Te-am prins. I Feel Good. I Love Rock 'n roll. Încă nu am găsit ceea ce caut. Sunt Jos. Sunt atât de Lonesome I Could Cry. Am un tigru de coada. It's Hard To Be Humble. Jackson. Inima gelos. Joker. Kansas City. King Of The Road. Lay Down Sally. Lăsând pe un plan Jet. Să Good Times roll. Micul Honda. Lively Up-te. Lonely Street. Lung Tall Sally. Louie, Louie. Love Me Do. A face lumea Go Away. Mammas Nu lăsați copiii dumneavoastră să crească până să fie Cowboys. Cutie de chibrituri. Me And Bobby McGee. Înseamnă Woman Blues. Bani. Asta e ceea ce vreau. Mony, Mony. Move It On Over. Mustang Sally. Nadine. Tu ești. Nici un loc special pentru a Du-te. Nu Fade Away. Aoleu. Old Time Rock. Un Bourbon, One scotch, o bere. Menta Twist. Gata Teddy. Release Me. Rhiannon. Ring of Fire. Rip It Up. Rock Around The Clock. Rock This Town. Route 66. Ruby copii. Cântece triste. Spune atât de mult. Ne vedem mai târziu, Alligator. Nu știu că e frumoasă. Cântând Blues. Spanish Harlem. Strângeți Box. Brew ciudat. Surfin 'U.S.A.. Sweet Home Chicago. Let Me Be Your. Ursuleț. Aceste cizme sunt făcute pentru Walkin '. Acest teren este țara ta. Three Little Birds. Tulsa Timp. Turn Me Loose. T-R-O-U-B-L-E. Tutti Frutti. Twist. Twist and Shout. Profesiune. Când voi fi iubit. Când spui nimic. De ce nu ne Do It In The Road. Willie și Jive de mână. Wooly Bully. Sunshine Superman. Modalitati Evil. Clasa muncitoare Hero. Seven Bridges Road. Esti raza mea de soare. Nu te pune Around cu Jim. Mama ta nu te Dance. Obișnuia să o iubesc. Mellow Yellow. Adăpost de furtuna. Green River. Up Around The Bend.