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VH1's 20 Great Power Ballads. Various. Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music. Guitar sheet music.


20 Ballads cu marile puteri care VH1 lui. Divers. Pian, vocal, muzica de chitara foaie. Partituri de voce. Partituri chitara.


VH1's 20 Great Power Ballads by Various. For Piano. Vocal. Guitar. Piano. Vocal. Guitar Songbook. Softcover. 128 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.311778. ISBN 1423458176. 9x12 inches. Bust out the lighters for this collection of the top power ballads of all time as chosen by the folks at VH1. Features selected tunes from Journey, KISS, Bon Jovi, Night Ranger, REO Speedwagon and other rock all-stars. Songs include. Open Arms. Beth. November Rain. Every Rose Has Its Thorn. Sister Christian. Keep On Loving You. These Dreams. With Arms Wide Open. and more. Open Arms. Again. Love Song. With Arms Wide Open. Keep On Loving You. I'll Be There For You. I Remember You. HOme Sweet Home. It's Been Awhile. Close My Eyes Forever. Don't Know What You Got. Till It's Gone. Every Rose Has Its Thorn. Is This Love. Love Bites. November Rain. Sister Christian. These Dreams. Silent Lucidity. Still Loving You. Beth.


VH1 20 de Ballads mare putere de către diferite. Pentru pian. Vocal. Chitară. Plan. Vocal. Guitar Songbook. Softcover. 128 de pagini. Publicat de Hal Leonard. HL.311778. ISBN 1423458176. 9x12 inch. Bustul brichetele pentru această colecție de balade de putere de top din toate timpurile, aleasă de cei de la VH1. Caracteristicile selectate melodii de la Journey, KISS, Bon Jovi, Noapte Ranger, REO Speedwagon și alte roci All-Stars. Songs includ. Brațele deschise. Beth. Ploaie noiembrie. Fiecare Rose Are Thorn sale. Sister Christian. Keep On Loving You. Aceste Dreams. Cu brațele larg deschisă. și mai mult. Brațele deschise. Din nou. Love Song. Cu brațele larg deschisă. Keep On Loving You. Voi fi acolo pentru tine. Îmi amintesc că. Home Sweet Home. A trecut ceva timp. Închide ochii pentru totdeauna. Nu știu ce ai. Pana Este plecat. Fiecare Rose Are Thorn sale. Acest lucru este dragoste. Bites de dragoste. Ploaie noiembrie. Sister Christian. Aceste Dreams. Luciditatea Silent. Încă Loving You. Beth.