Partituri $1.75
Shout with Delight. Steve James. B-Flat Trumpet sheet music. Choir sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music. Intermediate. Shout with Delight composed by Steve James. Arranged by Fred Coleman. Choral. For SATB choir, piano, trumpet. Choral. Sacred anthem. Medium. Octavo. Published by SoundForth. S2.245910.
Shout cu Delight. Steve James. -B plat Trumpet partituri. Partituri cor. Muzica de pian foaie Acompaniament. Intermediar. Scoată Delight compusă de Steve James. Aranjate de Fred Coleman. Coral. Pentru SATB cor, pian, trompeta. Coral. Imn sacru. Mediu. Al optulea. Publicat de SoundForth. S2.245910.