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Clapper Classics. Handbell sheet music. Handchime sheet music. Percussion sheet music.
Clapper Classics. Partituri clopoțel. Partituri Handchime. Partituri percuție.
Clapper Classics arranged by Frances Callahan & Martha Thompson. For 2-octave handbells. handchimes. This edition. Complete. Collection. Clapper Classics Series. Classics, General, Sacred. Grade 2. Collection. 48 pages. Published by Hope Publishing Company. HP.1253. For 2 octaves handbells. chime instruments. Alma Mater. Far Above Cayuga's Waters. Alouette 1 & 2. Amaryllis. America The Beautiful. Arabasque. Opus 100, No. 2. Auld Land Syne. Aura Lee. Bridal Chorus from "Lohengrin". Chiapanecas. Down in the Valley 1, 2 & 3. For He's a Jolly Good Fellow. Fur Elise. Jingle Bells. Home on the Range 1 & 2. In the Hall of the Mountain King from "Peer Gynt Suite No. 1". Jolly Old St. Nicholas. Light Cavalry Overture. March from "The Nutcracker". Morning 1 & 2. My Grandfather's Clock. Oh, Susanna. Pomp and Circumstance. Radetzky March. The Happy Farmer. The Star-Spangled Banner. The Stars And Stripes Forever. Theme from the Ninth Symphony. Theme from the "Suyrprise Symphony", No. 94. Theme from the "William Tell Overture". Toreador Song from "Carmen. Trumpet Voluntary. Up on the Housetop. Wedding March from "A Midsummer Night's Dream. Yankee Doodle.
Clapper Classics aranjate de Frances Callahan. Pentru handbells 2-octavă. handchimes. Această ediție. Complet. Colecție. Clapper Classics Series. Classics, General, Sacred. Grad 2. Colecție. 48 de pagini. Publicat de Hope Publishing Company. HP.1253. Pentru 2 octave handbells. Instrumente Chime. Alma Mater. Departe de mai sus Waters Cayuga lui. Alouette 1. Amaryllis. America the Beautiful. Arabasque. Opus 100, nr 2. Auld Land Syne. Aura Lee. Corul de mireasă de la "Lohengrin". Chiapanecas. Jos în Valea 1, 2. Pentru El este un om foarte simpatic. Fur Elise. Jingle Bells. Acasă pe Range 1. În Sala regelui Munte de la "Peer Gynt Suite No. 1". Jolly Old Sf. Nicolae. Cavalerie ușoară Overture. Marș de la "Spargatorul de nuci". Dimineata 1. Ceas Bunicul meu. Oh, Susanna. Paradă mare. Radetzky March. Fermierul Fericit. The Star-Spangled Banner. Stars and Stripes pentru totdeauna. Tema din Simfonia a IX-. Tema din "Simfonia Suyrprise", nr 94. Tema de la "William Tell Overture". Toreador Song de la "Carmen. Trompeta de voluntariat. În sus pe acoperișul casei. Nunta martie din "Visul unei nopți de vară. Yankee Doodle.