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Best of Metallica - Transcribed Full Scores. Metallica. Drums sheet music. Electric Guitar sheet music. Guitar Tablature sheet music. Percussion sheet music.


Cel mai bun de Metallica - transcris Scoruri completa. Metallica. Muzica tobe foaie. Electric partituri chitara. Chitară Tablature foaie de muzică. Partituri percuție.


Best of Metallica - Transcribed Full Scores. Revised Edition. By Metallica. For Bass, Drums, Guitar. Guitar Personality. Softcover. Guitar tablature. 312 pages. Published by Cherry Lane Music. HL.2501409. ISBN 160378165X. With guitar tablature. 8.5x11 inches. This revised edition features 12 tracks transcribed note-for-note for each instrument exactly as it appears on the original recordings. Songs include. Battery. Blackened. The Day That Never Comes. Enter Sandman. Fight Fire with Fire. For Whom the Bell Tolls. Fuel. Master of Puppets. One. St. Anger. Until It Sleeps. Whiplash. Until It Sleeps. One. Fuel. Fight Fire With Fire. For Whom the Bell Tolls. St. Anger. The Day That Never Comes. Enter Sandman. Master Of Puppets. Whiplash. Battery. Blackened.


Cel mai bun de Metallica - transcris Scoruri completa. Ediție revizuită. De Metallica. Pentru bas, tobe, chitara. Guitar Personalitate. Softcover. Tablature chitara. 312 pagini. Publicat de Cherry Lane Music. HL.2501409. ISBN 160378165X. Cu chitara tablature. Inch 8.5x11. Această ediție revizuită include 12 piese transcrise nota-de-note pentru fiecare instrument exact așa cum apare pe înregistrările originale. Songs includ. Baterie. Negru. Ziua care nu vine niciodata. Enter Sandman. Lupta Foc cu Foc. Pentru cine bat clopotele. Combustibil. Master of Puppets. Unul. St Anger. Până când doarme. Pleasnă. Până când doarme. Unul. Combustibil. Lupta Foc cu Foc. Pentru cine bat clopotele. St Anger. Ziua care nu vine niciodata. Enter Sandman. Maestru de Puppets. Pleasnă. Baterie. Negru.