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The Real Tab Book - Volume I. Various. Guitar Tablature sheet music. Piano sheet music.
Real Tab Book - Volumul I. Divers. Chitară Tablature foaie de muzică. Partituri de pian.
The Real Tab Book - Volume I. Guitar. Composed by Various. For Guitar. Fake Book. Softcover. Guitar tablature. 520 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.240359. ISBN 1423496698. With guitar tablature. 8.5x11 inches. All the Real Books feature hundreds of time-tested songs in accurate arrangements in the famous easy-to-read, hand-written notation with comb-binding. Now even guitarists can enjoy The Real Book format with this great collection of 120 top songs spanning all genres and decades that all gigging guitarists should know. It features rhythm tablature for guitar in the famous and easy-to-read Real Book notation. Songs include. All Right Now. Bad Moon Rising. Bang a Gong. Get It On. Barracuda. Boom Boom. Californication. Changes. Cheap Sunglasses. Come As You Are. Daughter. Every Day I Have the Blues. Folsom Prison Blues. Free Ride. God Save the Queen. Green Onions. Hey, Soul Sister. The House of the Rising Sun. I Fought the Law. I Won't Back Down. I'm Your Hoochie Coochie Man. Jailhouse Rock. La Bamba. London Calling. Message in a Bottle. Mississippi Queen. Photograph. Rock Around the Clock. Shattered. Smoke on the Water. Stray Cat Strut. Sultans of Swing. Super Freak. Train Kept A-Rollin'. Twist and Shout. Use Somebody. War Pigs. Interpolating Luke's Wall. Wonderful Tonight. Workin' Man Blues. Ziggy Stardust. and more. Signs. This Love. Rock & Roll Band. Creep. Spoonman. Shine. God Save The Queen. Panama. Rock'n Me. Don't Fear The Reaper. My Name Is Jonas. Jane Says. Name. Changes. Heaven. All Right Now. Smoke On The Water. What I Got. Gone Away. Shining Star. Californication. Run To You. Adam's Song. Pardon Me. Come As You Are. Judith. Photograph. Chop Suey. The Zoo. Cheap Sunglasses. Boom Boom. Rock And Roll Never Forgets. Bad Moon Rising. Bang A Gong. Get It On. Barracuda. It's My Life. The House of the Rising Sun. Stir It Up. One Step Closer. Lights Out. Best Of You. Alcohol. Bat Country. La Bamba. Daughter. Bye Bye Love. When You Were Young. Let It Ride. If It Makes You Happy. Message In A Bottle. Use Somebody. Couldn't Stand The Weather. Don't Ask Me No Questions. Hey, Soul Sister. 21 Guns. Drive My Car. Every Day I Have The Blues. Folsom Prison Blues. Fooling Yourself. The Angry Young Man. Free Ride. Fun, Fun, Fun. Funk #49. Green Onions. Hit Me With Your Best Shot. I Can't Explain. I Fought The Law. I Want You To Want Me. I Won't Back Down. I'm Your Hoochie Coochie Man. Jailhouse Rock. Killing Floor. London Calling. No More Tears. Nothin' But A Good Time. Pipeline. Reeling In The Years. Rock Around The Clock. Shock Me. Sleepwalk. Small Town. Stray Cat Strut. Suite. Judy Blue Eyes. Sultans Of Swing. Sweet Home Chicago. Twist And Shout. War Pigs. Interpolating Luke's Wall. Wonderful Tonight. Am I Evil. The Attitude Song. Soul Sacrifice. Workin' Man Blues. Would. Little Martha. Mississippi Queen. Cult Of Personality. Plush. You Don't Mess Around with Jim. You Shook Me All Night Long. You've Got A Friend. Ziggy Stardust.
Real Tab Book - Volumul I. Chitară. Compus de către Diverse. Pentru Guitar. Fake Book. Softcover. Tablature chitara. 520 de pagini. Publicat de Hal Leonard. HL.240359. ISBN 1423496698. Cu chitara tablature. Inch 8.5x11. Toate cărțile reale sunt dotate cu sute de melodii testată în timp în aranjamente precise în celebrul de citit ușor, notația scrisă de mână, cu pieptene de legare. Acum, chiar chitaristi pot bucura Formatul Real Book cu acest mare colecție de 120 de melodii de top care acopera toate genurile și zeci de ani că toate chitaristi concertat ar trebui să știe. Acesta dispune de tablature ritm de chitară în faimosul și notația Rezervați Real ușor de citit. Songs includ. Toate Right Now. Bad Moon Rising. Bang o Gong. Get It On. Barracuda. Boom Boom. Californication. Modificări. Ochelari de soare ieftine. Vino așa cum ești. Fiică. In fiecare zi am Blues. Folsom Prison Blues. Free Ride. God Save the Queen. Ceapă verde. Hei, Soul Sister. Casa Soarelui Rasare. M-am luptat din Legea. Eu nu va Back Down. Sunt tau Hoochie Coochie Man. Jailhouse Rock. La Bamba. London Calling. Message in a Bottle. Mississippi Regina. Fotografie. Rock Around the Clock. Shattered. Fum pe apa. Stray Cat Strut. Sultans de Swing. Super Freak. Tren păstrat A-Rollin '. Twist și Shout. Utilizați Cineva. War Pigs. Interpolarea Wall lui Luke. Wonderful Tonight. Muncit 'Man Blues. Ziggy Stardust. și mai mult. Semne. Aceasta Iubire. Stâncă. Târî. Spoonman. Strălucire. God Save The Queen. Panama. Rock'n Me. Nu se tem de Reaper. My Name Is Jonas. Jane spune. Nume. Modificări. Cer. Toate Right Now. Smoke on the Water. Ce am. Gone Away. Shining Star. Californication. Alerga la tine. Song lui Adam. Iartă-mă. Vino așa cum ești. Judith. Fotografie. Chop Suey. Zoo. Ochelari de soare ieftine. Boom Boom. Rock and Roll nu uită niciodată. Bad Moon Rising. Bang A Gong. Get It On. Barracuda. E viața mea. Casa Soarelui Rasare. Se amestecă It Up. Un pas mai aproape. Lights Out. Best Of ai. Alcool. Bat Country. La Bamba. Fiică. Bye Bye Dragostea. Atunci când erau tineri. Let It Ride. Dacă te face fericit. Message in a Bottle. Utilizați Cineva. Nu a putut sta Vremea. Nu-mi cere nici o întrebare. Hei, Soul Sister. 21 Guns. Conduce masina mea. In fiecare zi am Blues. Folsom Prison Blues. Prosti-te. Angry Young Man. Free Ride. Fun, Fun, Fun. Испуг. Ceapă verde. Lovește-mă cu cel mai bun Shot dvs.. Eu nu pot explica. M-am luptat Legea. Vreau să mă vrei. Eu nu va Back Down. Sunt tau Hoochie Coochie Man. Jailhouse Rock. Killing Floor. London Calling. Ai plâns destul. Nimic "Dar un moment bun. Conducte. Bobinare în anii. Rock Around The Clock. Shock Me. Somnambul. Small Town. Stray Cat Strut. Suită. Judy Blue Eyes. Sultans of Swing. Sweet Home Chicago. Twist and Shout. War Pigs. Interpolarea Wall lui Luke. Wonderful Tonight. Am I Evil. Song Atitudinea. Soul Sacrifice. Muncit 'Man Blues. Ar. Micul Martha. Mississippi Regina. Cultul personalității. Pluș. Nu te pune Around cu Jim. Tu M-ai zguduit All Night Long. Ai un prieten. Ziggy Stardust.