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The Cabar Feidh Collection. Various. Bagpipe sheet music.
Feidh Colectia Cabar. Divers. Partituri cimpoi.
The Cabar Feidh Collection. from The Queen's Own Highlanders. Composed by Various. For Bagpipes. Music Sales America. Traditional. 304 pages. Paterson Ltd. #PAT30066. Published by Paterson Ltd.. HL.14026554. ISBN 0853608768. Traditional. 10x7 inches. 294 pages of pipe music from The Queen's Own Highlanders. Seaforth and Camerons. 1st battalion Queen's Own Highlanders Farewell To South Armagh. 2nd Battalion 51st Highland Volunteers Ta Farewell To Rsm M. Macleod. 42nd's Farewell To Major G.B Murray. 51st Highland Division. 91st At Modder River. 9th Battalion The Gordon Highlanders. 116th Regiment Rac. Crossing The Irrawaddy. A Luaidh. My Dearest. A.A Cameron. Achduart. Achnahaird. Ale Is Dear. An T'alltan Dubh. The Dark Stream. Angela's Wedding. Archie Campbell Of The 51st Highland Division. Ardvasar Blacksmith. Argyll And The Isles. Arthur Gillies. Auld Wife Ayont The Fire. Battle Of Waterloo. Bert Sutherland. Black Isle. Bonnie Argyll. Bonnie Strathyre. Bonnie Wells O' Wearie. Bonny Gallowa. Bridge O' Perth. Bugle Call. Burma Rifles March Past. Cabar Feidh. Caller Herrin. Calon Lan. Capt. Noel Chavasse Vc. Captain Alec Fraser. Captain H.B.H.E. Monro. Castle And Keys. Chiefy's March. Chocks Away. Chris Dillon's Welcome To Ullapool. Clachnaharry. Cogadh No Sith. Colonel Robertson-macleod's Farewell To Tulliallan. Come By The Hills. Coolin Hills. Creag Guanach. Crimean Reveille. Crodh Chailein. Colin's Cattle. Cromdale Hornpipe. Culna Craig. David Boswell's Walkabout. Devil In The Kitchen. Domhnull Mac-a-phi. Donald Macphee. Donald Cameron's Powder Horn. Donald Maclennan's Tuning Phrase. Donald Macleod. Donella Beaton. Dornoch Links. Dr. Sydney Peace Of Kirkwall. Drive Home The Mainlanders. Duck. Duirinish Piping Society. Duncan Lamont. Edinburgh Castle. Eochar Reel. Evan Macrae's Beard. Ewe Wi' The Crookit Horn. Fair Maid Of Barra. Farewell To Colonel R.D. Maclagan Cbe Mc. Farewell To Lord Louis Mountbatten. Fear A Bhata. The Boatman. Follow My Highland Soldier. Frimley. Galloway Hills. Galway City. Or The Spanish Ladies. General George Patton. General Hunts Welcome To The Queens Own Highlanders. Glasgow Police March Past. Or Sands Of Loch Bee. Governer's Installation. Green Glens Of Antrim. Greenfield. Gur Milis Morag. Gurkha Signals Farewell To Serebam. Hebridean Polka. Hecky Morrison. Heroes Of St. Valery. He's Over The Hill That I Love Well. Hielan' Laddie. Highland Reel. Highland Whisky. Hm King Carl Xvi Gustav Of Sweden. Hong Kong Highland Gathering. Inveresk House. Inverness Gathering. Inverness Piping Society. Jack Mclaughlin. Jim Barrie. Jimmy Mackenzie, Stornoway. Jocky. John Rennie. John Roy Stewart. Johnnie Macintyre. Johnny Cope. Kathlen Gillies. Kyle Alexander. Lad That Wears The Plaid. Or The Rose Among The Heather. Laird Of Cockpen. Lament For Rory Mor. Lament For The Earl Of Seafield. Lantern Of The North. Elgin Cathedral. Lass Of Gowrie. Last Parade. Leaving Barra. Leaving Eriskay. Leaving Ireland. Lewis Soldier. Lindsay's Lament. Liverpool Scottish Salute To Tiny Barber. Loch Carron. Lochaber No More. Lochiel's Welcome To Glasgow. Logie O' Buchan. Lord Dunmore's Jig. Lovat Scouts. Lt. Col. A.A Fairrie's March. Lt. Col. A.S Duncan. Lt. Col. D.J.S Murray. Lt. Col. D.R Maclennan. Lt. Col. H.W. Kemble Of Knock. Lt. Col. I.G. Nason's Farewell. Lt. Col. J.C.O.R. Hopkinson. Lt. Col. R.D Maclagan Cbe Mc. Lt. Col. Robin Campbell Dso. Lt. Col. S. Gair. Or The Road To Gerinish. Lt. Gen. Sir Derek Lang. Lt. Patrick J.F. Graeme's March. Lt.Col. George Latham's Fancy. Macgregor Of Rora. Maiden Of Morvern. Mairi Bhan Og. Fair Young Mary. Major C.M.C. Crowe. Major Forbes 78th Highlanders. Major General Frank Richardson. Major I.M. Fraser's Farewell. Major S.H.R.H. Monro's March. Mason's Apron. Merrily Sailing. Merry Lads Of Dornoch. Methven Castle. Michael Joseph Mackinnon. Mo Run Gael Dileas. Morair Sim. Mr And Mrs Peter Maclean. Mrs. Donald Macleod. Mrs. Macdonald Of Uig. Muile Nam Fuar Bheann. Mull Of The Cool High Glens. Muinntir A Ghlinne So. People Of This Glen. Neil Robertson, Westend Hotel. Over The Chindwin. Paardeberg. Paddy On The Railroad. Paddy's Leather Breeches. Pathan War March, Zakhmi Dil. Wounded Heart. Patrick Mcgovern's Reel. Phantom Piper Of Corrieyairack. Pibroch Mackenzie's Farewell. Piobaireachd Dhomnuill Dhuibh. Pipe Major Andrews Venters. Pipe Major Donald Maclean Of Lewis. Pm Iain Morrison. Pm R.H. Macphee's Reel. Pm Willie Young's Fancy. Pretty Apron. Prince Charles' S Welcome To Lochaber. Queen's Own Highlanders Farewell To Brunei. Queen's Own Highlanders Farewell To General Sir James Cassels. Queen's Own Highlanders Polka. Rakes Of Kildare. Richmond Lass. Ridhle Mo Nighean Donn. The Brown Haired Maid. Rose Tree. Ross Battery. Salute To Lt. Col. David Blair. Sandy Finnie. Scottish Piping Society Of The Witwatersrand. Sgaoth Sgadan. Shoals Of Herring. Sheila's Lullaby. Sir Thomas Wardle Of Western Australia. Skylark's Ascension. South Uist Emigrants. Or Mrs. Dugald Matheson. South Uist Hornpipe. Sporting Jamie. Superscot. Susan Macleod. Tenth Anniversary. Tha Mi Duilich. Thailer A Bha Me Sherridh Is Feader A Thuair Me. Thief Of Lochaber. Tir Nam Craobh. Land Of The Trees. Tuigann Leum's Dean Cabhag. Hasten And Come With Me. Vancouver Police Pipe Band. Willie Macrae Of Ullapool. Wiseman's Exercise. Ye Jacobites By Name.
Feidh Colectia Cabar. de la Highlanders proprii reginei. Compus de către Diverse. Pentru cimpoiul. Muzica Sales Americii. Tradițional. 304 pagini. Патерсон ООО. Publicat de Paterson Ltd.. HL.14026554. ISBN 0853608768. Tradițional. 10x7 cm. 294 de pagini de muzică de țeavă de la Highlanders proprii reginei. Seaforth și Camerons. Primul batalion Reginei proprii Highlanders rămas bun de la South Armagh. 2 Batalionul 51 Highland Voluntarii Ta rămas bun de la RSM M. Macleod. A 42-a rămas bun de la Major G.B Murray. 51 Highland Division. 91 La River Modder. Nouă Batalionului Gordon Highlanders. 116 Regimentul Rac. Crossing Irrawaddy. A Luaidh. Draga mea. A.A Cameron. Achduart. Achnahaird. Ale este Stimate. Un T'alltan Dubh. The Dark Stream. Nunta lui Angela. Archie Campbell a 51 Divizia Highland. Ardvasar Blacksmith. Argyll și Insulele. Arthur Gillies. Auld Wife Ayont Focul. Bătălia de la Waterloo. Bert Sutherland. Black Isle. Bonnie Argyll. Bonnie Strathyre. Bonnie Wells O 'Wearie. Bonny Gallowa. Bridge O 'Perth. Goarnă apel. Birmania Rifles martie trecut. Cabar Feidh. Caller Herrin. Calon Lan. Capt. Noel Chavasse Vc. Capitanul Alec Fraser. Căpitanul H.B.H.E. Monro. Castel și tastele. Chiefy lui martie. Piedicile oaspete. Bine ati venit Chris Dillon de la Ullapool. Clachnaharry. Cogadh Nu Sith. Adio colonel Robertson-Macleod a Tulliallan. Vin de dealurile. Coolin Hills. Creag Guanach. Crimeea Reveille. Crodh Chailein. Bovine lui Colin. Cromdale dans marinăresc. Culna Craig. Walkabout David Boswell. Diavolul în bucătărie. Domhnull Mac-o-phi. Donald Macphee. Donald Cameron Powder Horn. Tuning Fraza Donald Maclennan lui. Donald Macleod. Donella Beaton. Link-uri Dornoch. Dr. Sydney Pacea de la Kirkwall. Conduce acasă pe continent. Rață. Duirinish Piping Society. Duncan Lamont. Castelul Edinburgh. Eochar Reel. Beard Evan Macrae lui. Oaie Wi "Crookit Cornul. Maid juste ale Barra. Rămas bun de la colonelul R.D. Maclagan Cbe Mc. Rămas bun de la Lordul Louis Mountbatten. Frica A Bhata. Barcagiu. Urmați Highland Soldier meu. Frimley. Galloway Hills. Galway. Sau spaniol Ladies. Generalul George Patton. General Hunts Bine ați venit la Queens Highlanders proprii. Glasgow Poliția martie trecut. Sau Nisipurile de Loch Bee. Instalarea guvernator lui. Verde Glens de Antrim. Greenfield. Gur Milis Morag. Gurkha Semnale rămas bun de la Serebam. Hebridean Polka. Hecky Morrison. Heroes of St Valery. El e peste deal pe care o iubesc bine. Hielan "Laddie. Highland Reel. Highland Whisky. MS Regele Carl XVI Gustav al Suediei. Hong Kong Highland Colectarea. Inveresk Casa. Inverness Gathering. Inverness Piping Society. Jack Mclaughlin. Jim Barrie. Jimmy Mackenzie, Stornoway. Jocky. John Rennie. John Roy Stewart. Johnnie Macintyre. Johnny Cope. Kathlen Gillies. Kyle Alexander. Băiat care poartă Plaid. Sau Rose Printre Heather. Laird Din Cockpen. Lament Pentru Rory Mor. Lament Pentru Conte de Seafield. Lantern de Nord. Catedrala Elgin. Lass de Gowrie. Ultima Parade. Lăsând Barra. Lăsând Eriskay. Lăsând Irlanda. Lewis Soldier. Lament lui Lindsay. Liverpool scoțian Salute Pentru Tiny Barber. Loch Carron. Lochaber No More. Bine ati venit Lochiel de la Glasgow. Logie O 'Buchan. Jig lord Dunmore lui. Lovat Cercetașii. Lt. Col. A.A Fairrie lui martie. Lt. Col. A.Ș Duncan. Lt. Col. D.J.S Murray. Lt. Col. D.R Maclennan. Lt. Col. H. W. Kemble Din Knock. Lt. Col. i.g. Adio Nason lui. Lt. Col. J.C.O.R. Hopkinson. Lt. Col. R.D Maclagan Cbe Mc. Lt. Col. Robin Campbell DSO. Lt. Col. S. Gair. Sau Drumul spre Gerinish. Lt. Gen Sir Derek Lang. Lt. Patrick J. F. Graeme lui martie. Lt.col. Fancy George Latham. Macgregor de Rora. Maiden Din Morvern. Mairi Bhan Og. Fair Young Mary. Major C.M.C. Crowe. Majore Highlanders Forbes a 78-. General-maior Frank Richardson. Adio Major I.M. Fraser. Major S.H.R.H. Monro lui martie. Platforma lui Mason. Voios Sailing. Lads vesele din Dornoch. Castelul Methven. Michael Joseph Mackinnon. Mo Run Gael Dileas. Morair Sim. Domnul și doamna Peter Maclean. Doamna Donald Macleod. Doamna Macdonald De Uig. Muile Nam Fuar Bheann. Mull Of The Cool Glens. Muinntir A Ghlinne Deci,. Oamenii din această Glen. Neil Robertson, Westend Hotel. De-a lungul Chindwin. Paardeberg. Paddy pe calea ferată. Pantaloni din piele Paddy lui. Pathan War martie, Zakhmi Dil. Inima răniți. Reel Patrick McGovern. Phantom Piper De Corrieyairack. Adio muzică marțială pentru cimpoi Mackenzie lui. Piobaireachd Dhomnuill Dhuibh. Pipe Major Andrews Venters. Pipe Major Donald Maclean Lewis. Pm Iain Morrison. Reel pm R.H. Macphee lui. Fancy pm Willie Young. Destul de Apron. Bine ai venit Prințul Charles "S Pentru a Lochaber. Reginei proprii Highlanders rămas bun de la Brunei. Reginei proprii Highlanders rămas bun de la generalul Sir James Cassels. Reginei proprii Highlanders Polka. Garniturile de Kildare. Richmond Lass. Ridhle Mo Nighean Donn. Brown părul Maid. Rose copac. Ross Acumulator. Salut Pentru a locotenent-colonelul David Blair. Sandy Finnie. Scottish conducte Societatea Witwatersrand. Sgaoth Sgadan. Bancuri de hering. Lullaby Sheila. Sir Thomas Wardle din Australia de Vest. Înălțarea lui Skylark. South Uist Emigranții. Sau doamna Dugald Matheson. South Uist dans marinăresc. Sporting Jamie. Superscot. Susan Macleod. A zecea aniversare. Tha Mi Duilich. Thailer Un Bha Me Sherridh Este Feader A Thuair Me. Hoț de Lochaber. Tir Nam Craobh. Land Of The Trees. Tuigann Leum lui Dean Cabhag. Grăbi și vino cu mine. Vancouver Police Pipe Band. Willie Macrae Din Ullapool. Exercitarea Wiseman a. Ye Iacobiții După nume.