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The Phillips Collection of Traditional American Fiddle Tunes Vol 1. Stacy Phillips. Fiddle sheet music. Violin sheet music.Traducere
Colectia Phillips a tradițională american Fiddle Tunes Vol 1. Stacy Phillips. Partituri vioara. Partituri vioara.Original
The Phillips Collection of Traditional American Fiddle Tunes Vol 1 composed by Stacy Phillips. For Fiddle. Perfect binding, Solos. All Styles. Multiple Levels. Book. 268 pages. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.94711. ISBN 9781562225827. All Styles. 8.75 x 11.75 inches. Meticulously collected from recordings, square and contra dances, fiddle contests, jam sessions and individual fiddlers- this book is meant to provide a snapshot of what American fiddlers were playing and listening to in the latter part of the 20th Century. As the vinyl record format disappears from the marketplace, a great deal of recorded fiddle music will no longer be available. In this book, Stacy Phillips shares the fruits of some timely collecting for all fiddlers to enjoy. Bowings, fingerings, and guitar chords are provided for each melody line. Ain't Got No Honey Babe Now, Aka Got No Honey. Boys My Money's All Gone. Brushy Fork. Brushy Fork Of John's Creek. Brushy Run. Choctaw Bill. Cornstalk Fiddle And Shoestring Bow. Cumberland Gap. Forked Deer, Aka Bragg's Retreat, Van Buren, Forke. Frisky Jim. Gippy Get Your Hair Cut, Aka Tippy. Johnny. Hippie G. Great North Reel, Aka Irish American Reel. Hell Broke Loose In Georgia. Hickman County, Aka Hoedown In Hickman County. Humphrey's Jig, Aka Doctor Humphrey's Jig. Jawbones. John Sharp's Tune. Jump Jim Crow. Lantern In The Ditch. Liza Jane. Missouri Mud, Aka Stuck In The Mud. Beatrice. Billy In The Lowground, Aka Fiddler's Drunk, The F. Blind Man's Reel. Bob Tailed Mule. Broad Run Picnic. Bye-Bye My Honey, I'm Gone. Cowhide Boots. Dailey's Reel. Did You Ever See The Devil, Uncle Joe, Aka Hop Lig. Fishin' Time. Grandpa's Reel. Granny Will Your Dog Bite. , Aka Old Mother Gofour,. Green Mountain Petronella. Hell Agin The Barn Door. Jean LaTippe. Jeff Davis. Joe Wingerter's Tune. Lady Walpole's Reel. Laughing Boy. Lazy Kate. Mahoney's Reel. Massa Bill, Aka Never Get Your Money Back, Mossy B. Miller's Reel. Morpeth Rant. Muddy Weather. Mutt And Jeff. Natchez. Natchez Under the Hill. Arkansas Traveler. Batchelder's Reel. Blackberry Blossom. Boatman. Bob Wine's Tune. Darling Honey. Fannie Hill. Fiddler's Dream. Flowers of Edinburgh. Hollow Poplar. Indian Killed a Woodcock. Jaybird Died With The Whooping Cough. Kansas City Reel. Lady's Waist Ribbon, Aka Waist Ribbon. Lucky Trapper's Reel. Lumberjack. Old Joe Clark. Po' Black Sheep. Polly Put The Kettle On, Aka Polly's Mountain Kett. Rich Mountain. Salt River, Aka Salt Creek. Smith's Reel. Soldier's Joy. Sweets of Weaver. Swinging On A Gate. Temperance Reel, Aka Devil In Georgia, Kingsport,. A Bottle Of Wine And A Ginger Cake. Back Step Candy, Aka Hollyding, Old Time Back Step. Bear Pen Hollow. Black Eyed Susan, Aka Hop Up Kitty Puss. Bull At The Wagon. Christmas Time Will Soon Be Over. Cleveland Is Elected. Darkie's Curley Hair. Devil On A Stump. Dickie Rogers. Dolly. Get Up John. Going Back To Kentucky. Hawk Got The Chicken. Joys Of Quebec. Ladies In The Ballroom. Leather Britches, Aka Lord Macdonald's Reel, Old L. Lightening In The East. Log Cabin. Mountain Road. Muddy Roads. Old Mother Flanagan. Old Zip Coon. Pat The Budgie. Peas In The Pot, Aka Piece In The Pot, Peas In The. Pretty Betty's Reel. Sourwood Mountain. Stringtown. Three Forks Of Reedy. Twin Sisters. Wake Up Susan, Aka Belcher's Reel, Hop Up Susan,. Ways Of The World. All Young. Big Footed Man In The Sandy Lot. Bummer's Reel, Aka Fletcher's Delight. Charles Guiteau. Cotton Eyed Joe. Cuffy. Dan Friend's Piece. Dance Around The Molly. Doggie On The Carpet. Durham's Reel. Everyone To The Puncheon. Fat Meat And Dumplings, Aka Knocking On The Door. Georgia Railroad. Greenback Dollar. Greenback Dolly-O. Grey Eagle. Herringbrook Reel. Hunky Dory. Jaybird. Jenny Lind, Aka Jenny Lynn. Jenny On The Railroad. Log Chain. Martha Campbell. Melinda, Aka Old Melinda. Miss Brown. Miss Thompson's Reel. Mother Flanagan. Negro Suppertime. No Corn On Tygart. Opera Reel. Padgett. Peaches And Cream, Aka Peaches And Honey. Pegleg. Possum Up A Simmon Tree. Pretty Little Girl. Rattlesnake Bit The Baby, Aka Take Me Back To Geor. Rosebud Reel. Snowbird On The Ashbank, Aka Georgia Snowbird. Snowshoes. Apple Blossom. Brilliancy. Chinkapin Hunting, Aka Chinquapin Hunting. Done Gone. Drunken Billy Goat, Aka Rocky Mountain Goat, Mud F. Farewell Mary Ann, Aka Old Voile. High Yellow. Highlander's Farewell. Hull's Victory. Jack Of Diamonds, Aka Wake Up Susan, Fort Worth. Jack Wilson. Johnny Cope. June Apple. Last Of Sizemore. Laughing Chinaman. Miss Brown's Reel. Monkey In The Dog Cart. Motleigh. Old Flanagan. Old French, Aka Rambler's Hornpipe. Over The Waterfall. Paul Young. Possum on a Rail. Raven's Gap. Redbird. Sandy River Belle. Spring in the Valley. Streak O' Lean, Streak O' Fat. Sugar In The Gourd. Sweeping the Town. Angus Campbell. Been To The East, Been To West. Betty Likens. Bill Cheatem. Bitter Creek. Camp Chase. Chatanooga. Chinese Breakdown. Climb The Golden Stairs. Clyde Durst's Tune. Coming Down From Denver, Aka Turnpike Reef, Lardne. Cricket On The Hearth. Dead Slave. Doc Jessup. Eddie's Reel. Fire On The Mountain. Gallopede, Aka Yarmouth Reel. Goodbye Girls I'm Going To Boston. Green Willis, Aka The Raw Recruit & Chapel Hill Se. Growling Old Man And Woman. Hell in the Mud. Here and There. Hopping Rabbit. Jimmy Johnson. Kitty's Wedding, Aka Mrs. Smith's Reel. Lay Your Good Money Down, Aka Good Money. Lee's March. Little Whiskey. Logger's Breakdown, Aka Corn On The Cob. Long Fork Of Buckthorn. Mud Fence. New Broom. Quince Dillon's HIgh D. Rachel. Red Haired Boy, Aka Red Haired Irishman, Gilderoy,. Rocky Mountain. Rocky Road to Dublin. Sal Won't You Marry Me. Sally Put A Bug On Me. Sheeps And Hogs Walking Through The Pasture. Shelburne Reel. Shoo Fly. Shortening Bread. Shove That Pig's Foot A Little Farther In The Fire. Tennessee Gal. The Old Folks Played And The Young Folks Danced. Three Bees in the Honey. Tugboat. Whalen's Breakdown. And The Cat Came Back. Arkansas Turnback. Barlow Knife, Aka Cabin Creek. Big Scioty. Buck Mountain. Chinky Pin, Aka I'm My Momma's Darling, Love Someb. Chuck In The Bush. Cindy, Aka Get Along Home, Cindy. Cottonwood Reel. Creek Nation. Cripple Creek, Aka Going Up. Or Down. Brushy Fork. Don Tremaine's Reel. Echoes Of The Ozarks. Flop Eared Mule, Aka Peach Tree Limb. Frankie. Gatineau Reel. Going To Boston. Grasshopper Sitting on a Sweet Potato Vine. Hodi Cake. Hog Eye. Ida Red. Julian Johnson. Katy Did. Ladies on a Steamboat. Last Days In Georgia. Little Liza Jane. Mcmichen's Reel, Aka Hog Trough Reel. Methodist Preacher. Mississippi Echoes. Mississippi Sawyer. Mother's Reel. Old Sledge. Picnic. Puncheon Camps. Roses In The Morning. Run Johnny Run. Rye Straw, Aka Dog In The Rye Straw, Joke On The P. Shelby Rock. Shelvin Rock. Shenandoah Falls. Sleepy Eyed Joe, Aka Sleepy Joe. Belled Buzzard. Boll Weevil. Chicken Reel. Chief Sitting Bull, Aka Big Chief Sitting In The R. Choctaw. Cutting At The Point. Dance Terpischore. Dixie. Fiddler's Choice. Flatwoods. Flower Of The Morning. Flying Cloud Cotillion. Gate to Go Through. Geese Honking. Give The Fiddler A Dram, Aka Dance All Night W. A B. Going Down the river. Indian Nation. Jump In The Well, Pretty Little Miss. Liberty, Aka Tipsy Parson, Liberty Off The Corn Li. Liquor Seller. Little Betty Brown. Old Coon Dog. Old Grey Cat. Possum Trot. Rattlesnake. Sail Away Ladies. Sailors Set On Shore. Same Time Today As Yesterday. Scolding Wife. Snakewinder. Snowshoer's Reel. Springfield Gal. Tennessee Breakdown. The Wild Shoat. Twin Reel. A Bunch Of Chickens, Aka Inimitable Reel. Abe's Retreat, Aka Battle Of Bull Run, Aka Manassa. Angeline The Baker, Aka Coon Dog, Walk Up Georgia. Belle Of Lexington. Birkhall Reel. Brickyard Joe, Aka Morris Allen's Brickyard Joe. Broken Down Gambler. Casey Jones. Cherokee Shuffle. Cousin Sally Brown. Dance Boatman, Dance. Devil's Dream. Down The Pike. Ducks On The Millpond, Aka Deaf Woman's Courtship. Dugler With A Shoofly On. Ebenezer. Elzic's Farewell. Flat Footed Henry. Georgia Wildcat Breakdown. Golden Wedding Reel, Aka Richibucto Reel. Gone Indian. Greasy Coat. Here Comes Jack With A Fiddle On His Back. Julianne Flanigan. King County Breakdown. Kingsbury Reel. Lady Of The Lake. Nancy Rowland, Aka Little Nancy Rowland. New Money. Old Bell Cow. Rattling Down The Acorns. Rebel's Road. Sandra's Reel. Shaker Ben. Silver Naiil. Spotted Pony. Sweet Bundy. Swing Nine Yards Of Calico. The Blue Goose. The Last Shot Got Him. Tucker's Old Barn. Uncle Maurice's Tune No. 1. Up Jumped The Deviil. Wine's Delight. Across The Sea. Boating Up Sandy. Booth. Brown Button Shoes. Cacklin' Hen, Aka Old Hen Cackled. Cider, Aka Cider Mill, Stillhouse. Cobbler's Reel, Aka You Married My Daughter But Ye. Countryman's Reel, Aka Flowers Of Cahirciveen. Cranberry Rock. Devil In The Woodpile. Doctor, Doctor, Aka Dear Doctor. Don't Come Home Drunk, Johnny. Dry Creek Reel. Dubuque, Aka Old Dubuque, General Lee, Duck River,. Four And Twenty Blackbirds Dancing On A Fawn Skin. Garfield. Grand Picnic. Greasy String, Aka Bring Back My Old Coon Dog. Hangman's Reel. Hell Up Coal Holler. High Dad In The Morning. Humpback Mule. Jimmy Sutton. Magnolia One Step. Molly Put The Kettle On, Aka Jenny Put The Kettle. Nancy Ann. North Carolina Breakdown. Paddy O'meaghan's Reel. Paddy On The Railroad, Aka Eminence Breakdown. Pigeon On The Gate Post. Pike's Peak, Aka Prosperity Special, Rat Cheese Un. Rabbit Where's Your Mammy. Return from India. Roving Piper. Sally Ann. Sandy Mcintyre's Trip To Boston. Saro, Aka Julie Girl, Cow In The Cabbage Patch. Shoot The Turkey Buzzard. Speed the Plow. The Old Man And The Old Woman. Trude Evans. Two O'Clock. West Fork Gals. Whitesburg. Whoa Mule. Yellow Gals. Big John Mcneill. Black Cat In The Briar Patch. Blind Steer In A Mudhole. Chicken In The Barnyard. Dusty Miller. Fine Times At Our House. Fortune. Golden Slippers. Goodbye Liza Jane. Green Fields Of America. Grub Springs. Hamilton Iron Works. Hopping John. Hummingbird Reel, Aka Chasing The Devil Around A S. Jimmy in the Swamp. Knoxville Rag. Little Brown Jug. Merriweather. New Five Cents. Nine Miles Out of Louisville. Old Yeller Dog, Aka Old Grey Mare, Old Blind Dog. Paddy on the Handcar. Pretty Little Girl With The Blue Dress On, Aka Bil. Richmond Cotillion, Aka Hanging Around The Kitchen. Rock Jenny Rock. Ross' Reel No. 1. Run Rabbit Run. Sally In The Garden. Scott's Number One. Sheep Shell Corn by the Rattling of his Horn. Shoot Two Bits. Soapsuds Over the Fence. Star Of Bethlehem. The Fun's All Over. The Mouth Of Stinson. Tucker's Barn. Walk Along John 1. Wish I Had My Time Again. Yearlings In The Canebreak. Yellow Rose Of Texas. Ace Of Spades, Aka Billy Wilson. Bear Creek Hop. Bill Katon's Tune. Blue Flame. Deerwalk. Eighth Of January. Falls Of Richmond. First Century Reel. Five Leaf Clover, Aka The Hunter's Purse. Flying Indian. Folding Down The Sheets, Aka Republican Spirit. Hell Among The Yearlings, Aka Trouble Among. Indian Creek. Jefferson City. Katy Hill. Kitty Puss. Lebanon. Little Dutch Girl. Liza Rose. Long John. Mabel Henry's Fling. My Brother's Letter. Oklahoma. Paddy On The Pike. Robinson County. Sally Ann Johnson. Ship In The Clouds. Soppin' The Gravy. Stumptown Stomp. Susannah Gal, Aka Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss. Tater Patch. Tight Line Fishing. Tom And Jerry. Turkey Buzzard. Turkey Gobbler. Walker Street. Whiskey Before Breakfast. Wild John. Wilson's Tune. Albert Dougherty's D-Tune No. 1. Back Up And Push. Bayne Water, Aka Boyne Water, Praises Of Limerick. Blue Eagle. Boil The Cabbage Down, Aka Bile. Bonnie Kate Reel. Briarpicker Brown. Buffalo Gals. Charleston No. 1. Cold, Frosty Morning. Crazy Creek. Dickey's Discovery. Dry And Dusty, Aka The Charge Of Bonaparte. Early in the Evening. Fort Smith Breakdown. George Booker. Good Indian. Jenny Run Away In The Mud. Josh And I. Kitchen Girl. Little Joe. Little Rabbit, Aka Rabbit Where's Your Mammy. Old Mother Mccarthy. Old Rock Road. Paddy On The Turnpike. Peter Francisco. Piedmont. Prairie Dog. Puncheon On The Floor. Rio Grande. Rochester Schottische, Aka Patrick County Blues. Rock The Cradle Joe. Shuffle About, Aka Shuffling Back. Skunk in the Collard Patch. Stoney Fork. Sugar Barrel. Sunnyside. Sweet Milk And Peaches. Tater Blossom. Texas. The Bumblebee In The Jug. Waldo. Waves On The Ocean, Aka Old Woman Old Woman, Pleas. White Folks Don't Treat Me Right. White River Bottoms. Witch of the Wake. Yellow Barber, Aka Arthur Berry. Benton's Dream. Brisk Young Soldier. Cattle In The Cane, Aka Cattle In The Corn. Charleston Girls. Crockett's Honeymoon. Day's Wedding. Devil Ate The Groundhog. Devil in the Haystack. Fever In The South. Four Cent Cotton. Irish Cobbler. Jenny Baker, Aka Boys Of Bluehill, Beaux Of Oak Hi. John Robinson. Johnny the Blacksmith. John's Lover Is Gone, Aka Poor Johnny's Gone To Wa. Johnson Gal. Little Boy, Where'd You Get Your Britches. Money Musk. Nancy Dalton. Old Jake Gillie. Old Sage Fields. Piney Woods. Portland Fancy Reel. Quarter Deck. Railroad Through The Rocky Mountain. Roscoe. Saddle Up The Grey. Shipping Port. Short's Addition. Smoke Above The Clouds, Aka Smoke Over The Clouds. Snowflake Reel. Stumptown Dolly, Aka Stump Tail Dolly. Swing Away. The Flight Of The Wild Geese. Three Thin Dimes. Turkey in the Pea Patch. Anne Marie's Reel. Bottom of the Punchbowl. Bug In The Taters. Catlettsburg. Cedar Gap. Chorus Jig. Cowboy's Dream. Denver Belle. Dirty Sheets. Earl Eddy's Favorite. Fireman's Reel. Five Miles To Town. Gaspe' Reel. Great Big Taters In Sandy Land. Hoe The Corn Moses, Moses Hoe Your Corn, Razors In. Homesteader's Reel. Jack Danielson's Reel. Jake Gillie. John Brown's Dream. Johnny Come Along. Kaw River. Lost Indian. Maggie Grey. Make A Little Boat. Off She Goes. Paddy Won't You Drink Some Cider. Pat 'Em On The Back. Pretty Little Widow. Road to Boston. Ross' Reel No. 4. Rymer's Favorite. Saint Anne's Reel. Sally Coming Through The Rye. Shooting Creek. Steamboat Around the Bend. Texas Sandy HIll. Third of July. Three Forks Of Sandy, Aka Forks Of Sandy, Roll Em. Threshing Tune. Turkey In The Straw. Untitled Hoedown. Walking In The Parlor. Why Don't You Shovel. Yellow Gals From The South. Old Aunt Adkins. Old Buzzard. Old Jaw Bone. Old Torn Petticoat. Pateroller. Petronella. Played By Robertson County. Rabbit in the Woodpile. Red River Jig. Rocky Pallet, Aka Peas & Cornbread, Rocky Palace. Sally Goodin. Single Footing Horse. Stump Tail Dog. The Girl I Left Behind, Aka Pretty Little Girl, Br. The Rags. Twenty Eighth Of January. Wagoner One Step. Woodchopper's Reel, Aka Pea Soup. Old Joe. Old Sport, Aka Callahan, Last Of Callahan. Pacific Slope Reel. Pineywoods Gal. Possum Up A Gum Stump. Puncheon Floor. Road To Jenkins. Sally Johnson. Saturday Night Breakdown. Shaking Down The Acorns, Aka Rattling Down. Stuart Longbow. That's My Rabbit, My Dog Caught It. The New House Was Built, Aka Wes Muir's Tune. Tilden. Tom Wagner. Valley Forge. Wagoner, Aka Jolly. Or Texas, Wild, Georgia. Wagon. Wild Hog In The Woods. Sullivan's Hollow. Texas Fair. White Fish In The Rapids. Wolf Creek. Texas Gals, Aka Texas Gales. Uncle Henry's Reel. Wild Goose Chase. Wolves A-Howling. The Old Blind Sow She Stole The Middlins. Waynesboro Reel. Yellow Cat. Walk Along John 2. Wild Horse, Aka Old Dad, Stony Point, Buck Creek G.Traducere
Colecția Phillips Tradiționale american Fiddle Tunes Vol 1 compus din Stacy Phillips. Pentru Fiddle. Perfect, Solos obligatorii. Toate stilurile. Nivele multiple. Carte. 268 de pagini. Publicat de Mel Bay Publicații, Inc. MB.94711. ISBN 9781562225827. Toate stilurile. 8,75 x 11,75 cm. Meticulos colectate de la înregistrări, dansuri pătrați și contraindicații, concursuri de vioară, jam sessions si lautari, acest individ carte este menit să ofere o imagine a ceea ce lautari americane au fost de joc și de a asculta în a doua parte a secolului 20. Ca formatul de înregistrare de vinil dispare de pe piață, o mare parte din muzica vioară înregistrate nu vor mai fi disponibile. În această carte, Stacy Phillips împărtășește roadele unele de colectare în timp util pentru toate lăutari să se bucure de. Bowings, fingerings, și chitara sunt prevăzute pentru fiecare linie melodica. Nu ai nici iubita mea Acum, Aka Got No Honey. Băieți Banii meu e tot Gone. Brushy Fork. Brushy furca lui John Creek. Brushy Run. Choctaw Bill. Cornstalk Fiddle Și shoestring Bow. Cumberland Gap. Bifurcat Deer, Retreat Aka Bragg, Van Buren, Forke. Frisky Jim. Gippy Ia Cut parului, Aka Tippy. Filfizon. Hippie G. Mare Reel de Nord, Aka irlandez american Reel. Iadul sa dezlănțuit în Georgia. Județ Hickman, Aka Hoedown În Hickman județul. Humphrey Jig, Jig Aka Doctor Humphrey. Mandibule. Tune John Sharp. Sari Jim Crow. Lantern în șanț. Liza Jane. Missouri Mud, Aka împotmolit în noroi. Beatrice. Billy În Lowground, Aka Fiddler e beat, F. Reel orb. Bob coada Mule. Broad Run Picnic. Bye-Bye My Iubito, am plecat. Cizme piele de vacă. Reel Dailey lui. Știați vreodată Vezi Diavolul, unchiule Joe, Aka Hop lig. Ora la pescuit ". Reel bunicului. Bunica va musca cainele. , Aka Old Mother Gofour,. Green Mountain Petronella. Iadul Agin Barn Door. Jean LaTippe. Jeff Davis. Tune Joe Wingerter lui. Reel Lady Walpole lui. Laughing Boy. Lazy Kate. Reel Mahoney lui. Massa Bill, Aka Nu primești banii înapoi, Mossy B. Reel Miller. Morpeth Rant. Vremea Muddy. Mutt și Jeff. Natchez. Natchez sub dealul. Arkansas Traveler. Reel Batchelder lui. Blackberry Blossom. Barcagiu. Tune bob vinului. Darling miere. Fannie Hill. Visul lui Fiddler. Flori de Edinburgh. Gol de plop. Indian a ucis un Woodcock. Jaybird murit cu tuse convulsivă. Kansas City Reel. Lady talie Ribbon, Aka talie Ribbon. Reel norocos Trapper lui. Tăietor de lemne. Old Joe Clark. Po "Black Sheep. Polly Pune ibricul pe foc, Mountain Kett Aka Polly. Rich Mountain. Salt River, Aka Salt Creek. Reel Smith. Joy soldat. Dulciuri de Weaver. Swinging On A Gate. Cumpătarea Reel, Aka Devil În Georgia, Kingsport,. O sticlă de vin și un tort de ghimbir. Pasul înapoi Candy, Aka Hollyding, Old Time Înapoi Pasul. Ursul Pen Hollow. Black Eyed Susan, Aka Hop Up Kitty Puss. Bull La Wagon. Timp de Crăciun va fi în curând peste. Cleveland este ales. Darkie lui Curley parului. Devil pe un buștean. Dickie Rogers. Păpușică. Get Up John. Merge înapoi la Kentucky. Hawk Got pui. Bucuriile de Quebec. Doamnelor în sala de bal. Britches piele, Reel Aka Domnului Macdonald, Old L. Lightening în est. Colibă de bârne. Mountain Road. Drumuri de noroi. Vechi Mama Flanagan. Vechi Coon Zip. Pat Budgie. Mazăre în oală, Aka Piece în oală, mazăre într-. Reel destul de Betty. Sourwood Mountain. Stringtown. Trei Forks de Reedy. Twin Sisters. Trezire Susan, Reel Aka Belcher, a Hop Up Susan,. Căile lumii. Toate Young. Mare calcii Man In The Sandy Lot. Reel Bummer, a Delight Aka Fletcher. Charles Guiteau. Cotton Eyed Joe. Cuffy. Piece Dan prietenului. Dance Around The Molly. Doggie pe covor. Reel Durham. Toată lumea a Puncheon. Grăsime Carne Și Găluște, Aka bate la ușă. Georgia Railroad. Greenback Dollar. Greenback Dolly-O. Grey Eagle. Herringbrook Reel. Chipes, Dory. Jaybird. Jenny Lind, Aka Jenny Lynn. Jenny pe calea ferată. Log Chain. Martha Campbell. Melinda, Aka Old Melinda. Dor Brown. Reel miss Thompson. Mama Flanagan. Negro cinei. Nu Corn La Tygart. Opera Reel. Padgett. Piersici și smântână, Aka Piersici și miere. Pegleg. Possum Up A Simmon copac. Pretty Little Girl. Șarpe cu clopoței Bit Pat, Aka Du-mă înapoi la Geor. Rosebud Reel. Snowbird pe Ashbank, Aka Georgia Snowbird. Snowshoes. Apple a Blossom. Strălucire. Chinkapin vanatoare, Aka Chinquapin vanatoare. Adoptat Gone. Beat Billy Goat, Aka Rocky Mountain Goat, Mud F. Adio Mary Ann, Aka Old Voile. Mare galben. Adio lui Highlander. Victory lui Hull. Jack de diamante, Aka trezire Susan, Fort Worth. Jack Wilson. Johnny Cope. Iunie Apple a. Ultima Din Sizemore. Râs chinez. Reel dor Brown. Maimuță în Dog Cart. Motleigh. Vechi Flanagan. Vechi francez, Aka Rambler lui dans marinăresc. Peste Cascada. Paul Young. Possum pe o șină. Gap Raven. Redbird. Sandy River Belle. Primăvară în Valea. Streak O "Lean, Streak O" Fat. Zahăr în tărtăcuță. Măturat orașul. Angus Campbell. A fost la est, a fost la West. Betty aseamănă. Bill Cheatem. Bitter Creek. Camp Chase. Chatanooga. Defalcarea chineză. Urci pe scari de Aur. Tune Clyde Durst lui. Coborând din Denver, Aka Turnpike Reef, Lardne. Cricket pe vatra. Slave mort. Doc Jessup. Reel lui Eddie. Foc pe munte. Gallopede, Aka Yarmouth Reel. La revedere Girls am de gând să Boston. Verde Willis, Aka Raw Recruit. Maraitul Old bărbat și o femeie. Iad în noroi. Ici și colo. Țopăit Rabbit. Jimmy Johnson. Nunta lui Kitty, Reel Aka Mrs. Smith. Lay Your bani buni în jos, Aka bani buni. Lee martie. Micul Whiskey. Defalcarea Logger lui, Aka porumb pe știulete. Lung furca Buckthorn. Noroi Fence. Nou Broom. Gutui Dillon High D. Rachel. Roșu părul Boy, Aka Red părul irlandez, Gilderoy,. Rocky Mountain. Rocky Road to Dublin. Sal nu te casatoresti cu mine. Pune Sally A Bug On Me. Oi și Hogs mers pe jos prin pășune. Shelburne Reel. Shoo Fly. Scurtarea Pâine. Bagi de porc picior un pic mai departe în foc. Tennessee Gal. Cei vechi jucat și Young Folks dansat. Trei albine în miere. Remorcher. Defalcarea Whalen a. Și pisica s-au întors. Arkansas Turnback. Barlow cuțit, Aka Cabin Creek. Mare Scioty. Buck Mountain. Chinky Pin, Aka sunt meu mama lui Darling, dragostea Someb. Chuck în Bush. Cindy, Ia Aka-a lungul Acasă, Cindy. Cottonwood Reel. Creek Nation. Cripple Creek, Aka Going Up. Sau Jos. Brushy Fork. Reel Don Tremaine lui. Ecouri de Ozarks. Flop urechi Mule, Aka Peach copac membrelor. Frankie. Gatineau Reel. Mergând la Boston. Grasshopper Stând pe o viță de vie de cartofi dulci. Tort Hodi. Hog Eye. Ida Red. Julian Johnson. Katy V. Doamnelor pe un Steamboat. Ultimele zile în Georgia. Micul Liza Jane. Reel Mcmichen lui, Aka Hog Trough Reel. Metodist Predicator. Mississippi Echoes. Mississippi Sawyer. Reel mamei. Vechi Sledge. Picnic. Puncheon Tabere. Trandafiri în dimineața. Rulați Johnny Run. Paie de secară, Aka câine în paie de secară, glumă pe P. Shelby Rock. Shelvin Rock. Shenandoah Falls. Sleepy Eyed Joe, Aka Sleepy Joe. Etichetate Buzzard. Gărgărița. Reel de pui. Șef Sitting Bull, Aka Big Chief stând în R. Choctaw. Tăiere la punctul de. Dance Terpischore. Gamelă. Alegerea lui Fiddler. Flatwoods. Floare de dimineață. Flying Cloud Cotillion. Poarta pentru a merge prin. Gâște claxona. Da Fiddler DRAM, Aka Dance All Night W. A B. Mergând în jos pe râu. Nation Indian. Du-te în bine, Pretty Little Miss. Libertate, Aka Tipsy Parson, Liberty Off Li porumb. Lichior Vânzător. Micul Betty Brown. Vechi Coon Dog. Old Grey Cat. Possum Trot. Șarpe-cu-clopoței. Sail Away Doamnelor. Marinarii setat pe Shore. Totodată Astăzi ca și ieri. Mustrări Soția. Snakewinder. Reel Snowshoer lui. Springfield Gal. Tennessee Breakdown. Wild Shoat. Twin Reel. Un buchet de Pui, Aka inimitabil Reel. Retreat Abe, Aka bătălia de la Bull Run, Aka Manassa. Angeline Baker, Aka Coon Dog, Walk Up Georgia. Belle Of Lexington. Birkhall Reel. Cărămidărie Joe, Aka Morris Allen Brickyard Joe. Defalcat Gambler. Casey Jones. Cherokee Shuffle. Cousin Sally Brown. Dans Boatman, Dance. Visul diavolului. Jos stiuca. Rațe pe Millpond, curte Aka surd femeii. Dugler cu un Shoofly pe. Ebenezer. Adio Elzic lui. Plat calcii Henry. Georgia Wildcat Breakdown. Reel de nunta de aur, Aka Richibucto Reel. Plecat Indian. Coat gras. Aici vine Jack cu o vioara pe spate. Julianne Flanigan. King County Breakdown. Kingsbury Reel. Lady Of The Lake. Nancy Rowland, Aka Micul Nancy Rowland. Bani noi. Old Bell Cow. Zăngănit Down ghinde. Road rebel lui. Reel Sandra. Shaker Ben. Argint Naiil. Reperat Pony. Dulce Bundy. Swing Nouă metri de Calico. The Blue Goose. The Last Shot l-am prins. Tucker Old Barn. Unchiul lui Maurice Tune No. 1. A sărit în sus Deviil. Delight a vinului. Peste mare. Plimbare cu barca Up Sandy. Cabină. Brown Pantofi Button. Hen Cacklin ", Aka Old Hen chicoti. Cidru, Aka Cider Mill, Stillhouse. Reel cizmar lui, Aka-ai căsătorit cu fiica mea, dar Ye. Reel Countryman, a Aka flori de Cahirciveen. Cranberry Rock. Devil In The Woodpile. Doctor, doctor, Aka Dear Doctor. Nu vin beat, Johnny. Dry Creek Reel. Dubuque, Aka Vechi Dubuque, generalul Lee, River Duck,. Douăzeci și patru de mierle Dancing pe o piele Fawn. Garfield. Marele Picnic. String gras, Aka aduce înapoi My Old Coon Dog. Reel Hangman lui. Hell Up cărbune Holler. Mare tata dimineața. Cocoașă Mule. Jimmy Sutton. Magnolia Un pas. Molly Pune ibricul pe foc, Aka Jenny Pune ibricul. Nancy Ann. Carolina de Nord Defalcarea. Reel Paddy O'meaghan lui. Paddy pe calea ferată, Aka Eminența Breakdown. Porumbel pe poarta Mesaj. Pike Peak, Aka Prosperitate special, Rat brânză Un. Iepure Unde e Mammy dvs.. Întoarce din India. Rătăcire Piper. Sally Ann. Trip Sandy Mclntyre la Boston. Saro, Aka Julie Fată, vaca la Cabbage Patch. Trage vultur plesuv. Viteza plugului. Bătrânul și Bătrâna. Trude Evans. Două O'Clock. West Fork Gals. Whitesburg. Whoa Mule. Gals galben. Big John Mcneill. Black Cat în Briar Patch. Steer Blind într-o Mudhole. Pui in batatura. Dusty Miller. Times fine la noi. Avere. Papuci de aur. La revedere Liza Jane. Green Fields Of America. Grub Springs. Hamilton Iron Works. Hopping John. Hummingbird Reel, Aka Chasing The Devil Around AS. Jimmy în mlaștină. Knoxville Rag. Micul Brown Jug. Merriweather. Noi cinci cenți. Nouă Miles Out of Louisville. Old Yeller Dog, Aka Old Grey Mare, Old Blind Dog. Paddy pe drezina. Pretty Little Girl cu albastru rochie, Aka Bil. Richmond Cotillion, Aka Hanging Around The Kitchen. Rock Jenny Rock. Reel Ross "No. 1. Rulați Rabbit Run. Sally în Grădina. Scott Number One. Oi Shell de porumb de zăngănit de Horn său. Trage doi biți. Leșie de săpun peste gard. Steaua din Bethleem. Fun All Over. Gura Stinson. Barn Tucker. De mers pe jos-a lungul Ioan 1. Vrea să am timpul meu din nou. Yearlingi În Canebreak. Rose galben din Texas. Ace Of Spades, Aka Billy Wilson. Bear Creek Hop. Tune Bill Katon lui. Albastru Flame. Deerwalk. Opta ianuarie. Falls Of Richmond. First Century Reel. Cinci Leaf Clover, portmoneu Aka Hunter. Flying Indian. Rabatarea Fisele, Aka Republican Duhul. Iad printre cele yearlingi, Aka Trouble Printre. Indian Creek. Jefferson City. Katy Hill. Kitty Puss. Liban. Micul olandez Fata. Liza Rose. Long John. Fling Mabel lui Henry. Scrisoarea fratelui meu. Oklahoma. Paddy pe Pike. Robinson County. Sally Ann Johnson. Navă în nori. Soppin "sosul. Stumptown Stomp. Susannah Gal, Aka zbura în jurul meu Pretty Little Miss. Tater Patch. Linia strâns Pescuit. Tom si Jerry. Turcia Buzzard. Curcan curcan. Walker Street. Whisky înainte de micul dejun. Wild John. Tune Wilson. D-Tune Albert Dougherty No. 1. Back Up And Push. Bayne de apă, Aka Boyne apă, laudele Limerick. Albastru Eagle. Se fierbe varza Jos, Aka Bile. Bonnie Kate Reel. Briarpicker Brown. Buffalo Gals. Charleston No. 1. Rece Dimineața, Frosty. Crazy Creek. Discovery Dickey lui. Uscat și prăfuit, Aka acuzația de Bonaparte. Devreme în seara. Fort Smith Breakdown. George Booker. Bun Indian. Jenny Run Away în noroi. Josh Și eu. Fata de bucătărie. Micul Joe. Puțin Rabbit, Aka Rabbit Unde e Mammy tau. Vechi Mama Mccarthy. Old Rock Road. Paddy la bariera. Peter Francisco. Piemont. Prairie Dog. Puncheon pe podea. Rio Grande. Rochester Schottische, Aka Patrick județene Blues. Rock Cradle Joe. Despre Shuffle, Aka Amestecare Înapoi. Skunk în Collard Patch. Stoney Fork. Zahăr Barrel. Sunnyside. Lapte dulce și piersici. Tater Blossom. Texas. Bumblebee În Jug. Waldo. Valuri pe ocean, Aka Old Woman Old Woman, Motivele. Albii nu trata mine. White River Bottoms. Vrăjitoare din Wake. Galben Barber, Aka Arthur Berry. Visul lui Benton. Brisk Soldier Young. Vite din trestie, Aka vite din Corn. Charleston Girls. Luna de miere a lui Crockett. Wedding Day. Devil Ate cartita. Diavol în carul cu fân. Febră în partea de sud. Patru Cent bumbac. Cobbler irlandez. Jenny Baker, alias Boys Of Bluehill, Beaux de stejar Hi. John Robinson. Johnny Blacksmith. Lover lui John este plecat, Aka Poor Johnny plecat la Wa. Johnson Gal. Little Boy, de unde ai luat pantalonii. Bani Musk. Nancy Dalton. Old Jake Gillie. Old Sage Fields. Piney Woods. Portland Fancy Reel. Trimestru Deck. Railroad prin Rocky Mountain. Roscoe. Saddle Up The Grey. Port de transport maritim. Scurt de adăugare. Fum deasupra norilor, Aka fum deasupra norilor. Fulg de nea Reel. Stumptown Dolly, Aka Stump Tail Dolly. Swing Oaspeti. Zbor de gâște sălbatice. Trei Dimes subțiri. Turcia în Patch Mazare. Reel Anne Marie. Partea de jos a Punchbowl. Bug în tofi. Catlettsburg. Cedar Gap. Chorus Jig. Visul cowboy. Denver Belle. Foi murdare. Favorite Earl lui Eddy. Reel pompieri. Cinci Miles To Town. Reel Gaspe ". Taters mari mare în Sandy Land. Sapa Moise porumb, Moise Hoe porumb ta, aparate de ras în. Reel homesteader lui. Reel Jack Danielson lui. Jake Gillie. Visul lui John Brown. Johnny Vino. River Kaw. Indian pierdut. Maggie Grey. Face o barca Mica. De pe ea se duce. Paddy nu te va bea cidru de mere. Pat 'Em pe partea din spate. Destul de mic Widow. Drumul spre Boston. Reel Ross No. 4. Favorite Rymer a. Reel Saint Anne. Sally vine prin lanul de secară. Impuscaturi Creek. Steamboat jurul Bend. Texas Sandy Hill. A treia a lunii iulie. Trei Forks de Sandy, Aka Furci De Sandy, Roll Em. Treierat Tune. Turcia în Straw. Hoedown Untitled. De mers pe jos în salon. De ce nu te-ai colectat. Gals galben din Sud. Vechi mătușa Adkins. Vechi Buzzard. Vechi Jaw Bone. Vechi Torn Petticoat. Pateroller. Petronella. Jucat de Robertson County. Iepure în Woodpile. Red River Jig. Rocky paleti, Mazăre Aka. Sally Goodin. Singur picior de cai. Stump Coada Câine. Fata I Left Behind, Aka Pretty Little Girl, Br. Zdrențele. Douăzeci și opta a lunii ianuarie. Wagoner Un pas. Reel Woodchopper lui, supa de mazare Aka. Old Joe. Vechi Sport, Aka Callahan, ultimul din Callahan. Pacific Reel Slope. Pineywoods Gal. Possum Up A Stump Gum. Puncheon Etaj. Road To Jenkins. Sally Johnson. Defalcarea Saturday Night. Tremura jos Acorns, Aka zăngănit Jos. Stuart Longbow. Asta e Rabbit meu, câinele meu prins A. Noua Casa a fost construită, Tune Aka Wes Muir. Tilden. Tom Wagner. Valley Forge. Wagoner, Aka Jolly. Sau Texas, Wild, Georgia. Wagon. Wild Hog În pădure. Sullivan Hollow. Texas Fair. Pește alb în Rapids. Wolf Creek. Texas Gals, alias Texas Gales. Reel unchiul lui Henry. Wild Goose Chase. Wolves A-Howling. Old Blind Sow a furat Middlins. Waynesboro Reel. Cat galben. Plimba-a lungul Ioan 2. Wild Horse, Aka Vechi tată, Stony Point, Buck Creek G.Căutări frecvente