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Play Back Festival. Recorder sheet music.
Joaca Inapoi Festival. Partituri recorder.
Play Back Festival. Song Festival for Soprano Recorder. For Recorder. De Haske Play-Along Book. Play Along. 24 pages. De Haske Publications #1001955. Published by De Haske Publications. HL.44003980. ISBN 9043109703. Play Along. 9x12 inches. This songbook is full of familiar children's songs from different countries and includes an accompaniment CD that enables even beginners to play along with a full band and sound great. 37 songs in all, including. Alouette. Au Clair De La Lune. Aura Lee. Frère Jacques. Mary Had a Little Lamb. Old MacDonald. Polly Wolly Doodle. This Old Man. and more. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. Alouette. Aura Lee. Camptown Races. For He's a Jolly Good Fellow. Mary Had A Little Lamb. Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen. Polly Wolly Doodle. Amazing Grace. Au Clair de la Lune. Sonatina. Il Etait Une Bergere. Tiritomba. Der Kuckuck und der Esel. Auld Lang Syne. Dona Nobis Pacem. Il Etait Un Avocat. Fais Dodo, Colas Mon P'tit Frere. Kommt Und Lasst Uns Frohlich Tanzen. Compagnons De La Marjolaine. Ah. Vous Dirais-Maman. Frere Jacques. Guten Abend, Gut' Nacht. Lightly Row. J'ai du bon tabac. Dans Les Prisons De Nantes. Goodnight Ladies. Mon Ane. Joshua Fought The Battle Of Jericho. Le Coq Est Mort. Cadet Rousselle. Kommt ein Vogel geflogen. Die Blumelein, Sie Schlafen. Le Gars De Locmine. AUF, AUF, ZUM FROHLICHEN JAGEN.
Joaca Inapoi Festival. Song Festival for Soprano Recorder. Pentru Recorder. De Haske Play-a lungul Book. Joaca-a lungul. 24 pagini. De Haske Publications #1001955. Publicat de De Haske Publicații. HL.44003980. ISBN 9043109703. Joaca-a lungul. 9x12 inch. This songbook is full of familiar children's songs from different countries and includes an accompaniment CD that enables even beginners to play along with a full band and sound great. 37 de melodii din toate, inclusiv. Ciocârlie. La lumina lunii. Aura Lee. Fratele Jacques. Mary avea un mielușel. Old MacDonald. Polly Wolly Doodle. Acest om vechi. și mai mult. Swing Low, dulce Chariot. Ciocârlie. Aura Lee. Camptown Races. Pentru El este un om foarte simpatic. Mary avea un mielușel. Nimeni nu știe Trouble I-am vazut. Polly Wolly Doodle. Amazing Grace. La lumina lunii. Sonatina. Once Upon A Bergere. Tiritomba. Cucul și Donkey. Auld Lang Syne. Dona Nobis Pacem. Il Etait Un Avocat. Fais Dodo, Colas Mon P'tit Frere. Kommt Und Lasst Uns Frohlich Tanzen. Compagnons De La Marjolaine. Ah. Vous Dirais-Maman. Frere Jacques. Bună seara, noapte buna. Ușor Row. J'ai du bon tabac. În închisori De Nantes. Doamnelor Goodnight. Mon Ane. Joshua luptat Bătălia de la Ierihon. Le Coq Est Mort. Cadet Rousselle. În cazul în care o pasăre a zburat. Blumelein, dormi. Le Gars De Locmine. AUF, AUF, ZUM FROHLICHEN JAGEN.