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Open Chords. Easy Guitar sheet music. Guitar Tablature sheet music.
Chords deschise. Ușor partituri chitara. Chitară Tablature foaie de muzică.
Open Chords. A Beginner's Guide with 18 Timeless Rock Riffs. For Guitar. Guitar Method. Softcover with CD. Guitar tablature. 64 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.697397. ISBN 1423481674. With guitar tablature. 9x12 inches. Learn how to play open chords with real rock songs. This beginner's guide teaches you the timeless riffs of 18 rock anthems, from The Beatles and Johnny Cash to Guns 'N Roses and Nirvana. Includes an audio CD with tracks for all the examples in the book. Songs. About a Girl. American Girl. Brown Eyed Girl. Don't Be Cruel. Folsom Prison Blues. Hey, Tonight. Stand by Me. Tulsa Time. What I Like About You. Yellow Submarine. and more. The world-famous Hal Leonard Guitar Method is preferred by teachers because it makes them more effective while making their job easier. Students enjoy its easy-to-follow format that gives them a solid music education while letting them play songs right away. The Hal Leonard Guitar Method provides a complete system to playing success which includes three levels of instruction and a myriad of play-along supplemental songbooks that let students play great songs while they're still learning to play. About A Girl. Achy Breaky Heart. Don't Tell My Heart. More Than A Feeling. Stand By Me. Run Around. Hey, Tonight. Brown Eyed Girl. Bye Bye Love. Calendar Girl. Don't Be Cruel. To A Heart That's True. Folsom Prison Blues. The Loco-motion. Love Me Do. Tulsa Time. What I Like About You. Yellow Submarine. American Girl. You Got It.
Chords deschise. A Beginner's Guide with 18 Timeless Rock Riffs. Pentru Guitar. Guitar Method. Softcover cu CD. Tablature chitara. 64 de pagini. Publicat de Hal Leonard. HL.697397. ISBN 1423481674. Cu chitara tablature. 9x12 inch. Learn how to play open chords with real rock songs. This beginner's guide teaches you the timeless riffs of 18 rock anthems, from The Beatles and Johnny Cash to Guns 'N Roses and Nirvana. Includes an audio CD with tracks for all the examples in the book. Songs. Despre o fată. Fata american. Brown Eyed Fata. Nu Be Cruel. Folsom Prison Blues. Hei, seara. Stand by Me. Tulsa Timp. Ce-mi place la tine. Yellow Submarine. și mai mult. Hal Leonard Guitar Metoda de renume mondial este preferat de către cadrele didactice, pentru că le face mai eficiente în același timp, locul lor de muncă mai ușor. Elevii se bucură de formatul său ușor de urmat care le oferă o educație muzicală solidă în timp ce permițându-le reda melodii imediat. Guitar Metoda Hal Leonard oferă un sistem complet de joc de succes, care include trei niveluri de instruire și o mulțime de joc-a lungul repertoriul suplimentare care permit elevilor reda melodiile de mare în timp ce acestea sunt încă de învățare pentru a juca. Despre A Girl. Dureroase Breaky Heart. Nu-i spune inima mea. Mai mult decât un sentiment. Stand By Me. Alerga în jurul valorii. Hei, seara. Brown Eyed Fata. Bye Bye Dragostea. Calendar Fată. Nu Be Cruel. Pentru o inimă care-i adevărat. Folsom Prison Blues. Loco-motion. Love Me Do. Tulsa Timp. Ce-mi place la tine. Yellow Submarine. Fata american. Te-am prins.