Partituri $17.50
Two Spanish Dances for Tuba or Bass Trombone & Piano. Enrique Granados. Bass Trombone sheet music. Tuba sheet music. Advanced.
Two Spanish Dances for Tuba or Bass Trombone & Piano. Enrique Granados. Bass Trombone partituri. Partituri tubă. Avansat.
Two Spanish Dances for Tuba or Bass Trombone & Piano composed by Enrique Granados. 1867-1916. Arranged by Ralph Sauer. For Tuba or Bass Trombone & Piano. Spanish National. Advanced. Solo part and piano score. Published by Cherry Classics. CY.CC2546. Granados was a Spanish composer whose music had the unique style of his homeland burned into his soul. He was also a very talented painter in the style of Goya. The Two Dances, 1. Oriental and 2. Fandango are taken from the "12 danzas espanolas", volume I from 1890, for Piano. Mr. Sauer has brilliantly taken the solo Piano part and divided it between solo Tuba and Piano. Tubists will enjoy working on this style of Spanish Nationalist music of which there is none in the solo repertoire. The Two Dances are about 6 1. 2 minutes in length and can be performed by advanced musicians. The mp3 sample is an excerpt of the Bass Trombone version taken from a live performance at the 2012 Academy of the West Festival performed by David Hagee and Luis Ortiz, Pianist.
Two Spanish Dances for Tuba or Bass Trombone & Piano composed by Enrique Granados. 1867-1916. Aranjate de Ralph Sauer. Pentru Tuba sau Bass Trombone. Spaniolă National. Avansat. Solo parte și pian scor. Publicat de Cherry Classics. CY.CC2546. Granados a fost un compozitor spaniol a cărui muzică a stilul unic al patriei sale ars în sufletul său. El a fost, de asemenea, un pictor foarte talentat în stilul de Goya. Cele doua dansuri, 1. Oriental și 2. Fandango sunt luate de la "12 Danzas espanolas", volumul I din 1890, pentru pian. Mr. Sauer has brilliantly taken the solo Piano part and divided it between solo Tuba and Piano. Tubists will enjoy working on this style of Spanish Nationalist music of which there is none in the solo repertoire. The Two Dances are about 6 1. 2 minute în lungime și pot fi efectuate de către muzicieni avansate. Proba mp3 este un extras din versiunea Bass Trombone luate de la un spectacol live de la 2012 Academia a Festivalului de Vest efectuat de David Hagee și Luis Ortiz, Pianist.