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when faces called flowers float out of the ground. Elizabeth Alexander. A Cappella sheet music. Advanced.Traducere
atunci când se confruntă cu numitele flori plutesc din pământ. Elizabeth Alexander. O foaie de muzică Cappella. Avansat.Original
when faces called flowers float out of the ground composed by Elizabeth Alexander. For Mixed Chorus. SATB choir a cappella. Collegiate Repertoire, Community Chorus, Concert Music. Seasonal-Spring, Secular, Choral. Moderately Advanced. Octavo. Text language. English. Duration 3 minutes. Published by Seafarer Press. SF.SEA-006-02. With Text language. English. Seasonal-Spring, Secular, Choral. Floating flowers, climbing fish, diving birds - only e. cummings could create such a spring. This playful musical setting is as buoyant as the poem, full of surprising modulations, metric variety and a few amorous asides. Winner of the Brookline Chorus Composition Competition. "when faces called flowers float out of the ground" is the middle movement of "Spring Revels. " Commissioned by Festival Choir of Madison. Eric Townell, conductor. Madison, WI. Winner. Brookline Chorus Composition Competition. Spring Revels. Text. when faces called flowers float out of the ground and breathing is wishing and wishing is having - but keeping is downward and doubting and never - it's april. yes,april. my darling. it's spring. yes the pretty birds frolic as spry as can fly yes the little fish gambol as glad as can be. yes the mountains are dancing together. when every leaf opens without any sound and wishing is having and having is giving - but keeping is doting and nothing and nonsense - alive. we're alive,dear. it's. kiss me now. spring. now the pretty birds hover so she and so he now the little fish quiver so you and so i. now the mountains are dancing,the mountains. when more than was lost has been found has been found and having is giving and giving is living - but keeping is darkness and winter and cringing - it's spring. all our night becomes day. o, it's spring. all the pretty birds dive to the heart of the sky all the little fish climb through the mind of the sea. all the mountains are dancing. are dancing. "when faces called flowers float out of the ground," from Complete Poems, 1904-1962, by E.E. Cummings, edited by George J. Firmage. Used with the permission of Liveright Publishing Corporation. Copyright 1923, 1925, 1926, 1931, 1935, 1938, 1939, 1940 and 1944-1962 by E. E. Cummings. Copyright 1961, 1963, 1966, 1967, 1968 by Marion Morehouse Cummings. Copyright 1972-1991 by the Trustees for the E.E. Cummings Trust. Reprinted by permission.Traducere
when faces called flowers float out of the ground composed by Elizabeth Alexander. Pentru cor mixt. SATB cor a cappella. Repertoriul Collegiate, Chorus comunitar, Concert de muzica. Sezonier-Spring, secular, corală. Moderat avansată. Al optulea. Limba de text. Englez. Durata 3 minute. Publicat de navigatorilor de presă. SF.SEA-006-02. Cu limba Text. Englez. Sezonier-Spring, secular, corală. Floating flowers, climbing fish, diving birds - only e. cummings could create such a spring. This playful musical setting is as buoyant as the poem, full of surprising modulations, metric variety and a few amorous asides. Câștigător al Brookline Chorus Compoziție Concursul. "when faces called flowers float out of the ground" is the middle movement of "Spring Revels. "Comandat de Festivalul Coral de Madison. Eric Townell, conductor. Madison, WI. Câștigător. Brookline Chorus Compozitie Competiție. Spring Revels. Text. when faces called flowers float out of the ground and breathing is wishing and wishing is having - but keeping is downward and doubting and never - it's april. da, aprilie. dragul meu. e primăvară. da păsările frumoase distra la fel de sprinten ca pot zbura da puțin zburde pește la fel de bucuros ca pot fi. da munții dansează împreună. atunci când fiecare frunză se deschide fără nici un sunet și care doresc are și după ce se dă - dar păstrarea este senil și nimic și prostii - în viață. suntem în viață, dragă. it's. sărută-mă acum. arc. acum păsările frumoase treceți așa că și așa el acum micul tolba de pește, astfel încât să și, așa că am. acum munții sunt dans, la munte. atunci când mai mult a fost pierdut a fost găsit a fost găsit și având dă și oferindu-se de viață - dar păstrarea este întuneric și de iarnă și slugarnic - e izvor. toată noaptea noastră devine zi. o, e primăvară. toate păsările frumoase se arunca cu capul la inima cerului toate mic urca pește prin mintea la mare. toti muntii sunt de dans. dansează. ", Atunci când se confruntă numit flori plutesc din pământ," de la Poezii complete, 1904-1962, de EE Cummings, editat de George J. Firmage. Folosit cu permisiunea de Liveright Publishing Corporation. Drepturi de autor 1923, 1925, 1926, 1931, 1935, 1938, 1939, 1940 și 1944-1962 de EE Cummings. Drepturi de autor 1961, 1963, 1966, 1967, 1968 de Marion Morehouse Cummings. Drepturi de autor 1972-1991 de Administratorilor de EE Cummings Trust. Retipărit cu permisiunea.Căutări frecvente