
Partituri $9.00


Phasing Thunder. Brian Balmages. Grade 2.


Phasing Thunder. Brian Balmages. Grad 2.


Phasing Thunder composed by Brian Balmages. For concert band. FJH Young Band. Grade 2.5-3. Score only. Duration 5 minutes. Published by The FJH Music Company Inc. FJ.B1598S. The dynamic energy of minimalism combines with the epic sounds of thunderstorms in this contemporary and powerful work. Opening with the haunting sounds of vibraphone, piano, crystal glasses and ethereal percussion, the music soon begins to naturally phase in and out as the storm continues to grow. Powerful lines collide with moments of delicate transparency before a gentle rainstorm emerges from within the ensemble. Stunning music. 00. Appropriate for middle school and smaller high school groups. Second clarinets usually stay below the break. Parts are written with more independence, and instrumentation increases slightly. There is still adequate doubling in the lower voices. Grades 2 - 2.5.


Phasing Thunder composed by Brian Balmages. Pentru banda de concert. FJH Young Band. Grad 2,5-3. Scor numai. Durata 5 minute. Publicat de FJH Muzica Company Inc. FJ.B1598S. The dynamic energy of minimalism combines with the epic sounds of thunderstorms in this contemporary and powerful work. Opening with the haunting sounds of vibraphone, piano, crystal glasses and ethereal percussion, the music soon begins to naturally phase in and out as the storm continues to grow. Powerful lines collide with moments of delicate transparency before a gentle rainstorm emerges from within the ensemble. Stunning music. 00. Adecvate pentru gimnaziu și liceu grupuri mai mici. Clarinete al doilea rămâne, de obicei, de mai jos pauza. Piese de schimb sunt scrise cu mai multă independență, și crește ușor instrumentație. Există încă dublare adecvat în vocile mai mici. Clasele 2-2.5.