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Come to Us, Emmanuel. Choir sheet music. Organ Accompaniment sheet music. Beginning.


Vino la noi, Emmanuel. Partituri cor. Acompaniament de organe partituri. Început.


Come to Us, Emmanuel composed by Paul Tate & Deanna Light. For SATB choir, cantor, assembly, keyboard accompaniment. Advent. Celebration Series. Includes guitar chord names. Sacred. Easy. Text language. English. 8 pages. Published by GIA Publications. GI.G-7086. With Text language. English. Sacred. An Advent song with a unique format. The two phrases of the refrain become part of the call-and-response verses and are then joined together and repeated as a four-phrase refrain. This greatly increases the degree of the assembly's involvement while still requiring them to learn but four measures. Once the choir has gotten the assembly going on its own, independent choral elements are introduced. An Advent song with a unique format.


Come to Us, Emmanuel composed by Paul Tate & Deanna Light. Pentru SATB cor, cantor, asamblare, tastatura acompaniament. Venire. Celebrare Series. Include nume chitara coardă. Sacru. Ușor. Limba de text. Englez. 8 pagini. Publicat de GIA Publicații. GI.G-7086. Cu limba Text. Englez. Sacru. Un cântec Advent cu un format unic. The two phrases of the refrain become part of the call-and-response verses and are then joined together and repeated as a four-phrase refrain. This greatly increases the degree of the assembly's involvement while still requiring them to learn but four measures. Once the choir has gotten the assembly going on its own, independent choral elements are introduced. Un cântec Advent cu un format unic.