HWV 56
Georg Friedrich Haendel

Choral SATB, Piano

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ViewPDF : Complete Oratorio (New York: G. Schirmer, 1912, plate 22945) (36.11 Mo)
ViewPDF : 1. Overture (498.5 Ko)
ViewPDF : 2. Recitative for Tenor: Comfort Ye My People (378.36 Ko)
ViewPDF : 3. Air for Tenor: Every Valley Shall Be Exalted (786.4 Ko)
ViewPDF : 4. Chorus: And the glory of the Lord (1.27 Mo)
ViewPDF : 5. Recitative for Bass: Thus Saith The Lord (358 Ko)
ViewPDF : 6. Air for Bass: But Who May Abide the Day of His Coming? (1.24 Mo)
ViewPDF : 7. Chorus: And He Shall Purify (1.3 Mo)
ViewPDF : 8. Recitative for Alto: Behold! A Virgin Shall Conceive + 9. Air for Alto, and Chorus: O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings to Zion (1.85 Mo)
ViewPDF : 10. Recitative for Bass: For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover the Earth (319.47 Ko)
ViewPDF : 11. Air for Bass: The People that Walked in Darkness (607.8 Ko)
ViewPDF : 12. Chorus: For Unto Us a Child Is Born (1.65 Mo)
ViewPDF : 13. Pastoral Symphony (221.28 Ko)
ViewPDF : 14. Recitative for Soprano: There Were Shepherds Abiding in the Field Recitative for Soprano: And Lo! The Angel of the Lord Came Upon Them (122.48 Ko)
ViewPDF : 15. Recitative for Soprano: And the Angel Said Unto Them (104.52 Ko)
ViewPDF : 16. Recitative for Soprano: And Suddenly There Was With the Angel (116.84 Ko)
ViewPDF : 17. Chorus: Glory to God (695.08 Ko)
ViewPDF : 18. Air for Soprano: Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter of Zio (950.71 Ko)
ViewPDF : 19. Recitative for Alto: Then Shall the Eyes of the Blind Be Opened 20. Air for Alto: He Shall Feed His Flock Like a Shepherd (596.47 Ko)
ViewPDF : 21. Chorus: His Yoke Is Easy (934.52 Ko)
ViewPDF : 22. Chorus: Behold the Lamb of God (611.05 Ko)
ViewPDF : 23. Air for Alto: He Was Despised (702.7 Ko)
ViewPDF : 24. Chorus: Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs (576.41 Ko)
ViewPDF : 25. Chorus: And With His Stripes We Are Healed (719.62 Ko)
ViewPDF : 26. Chorus: All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray (1.42 Mo)
ViewPDF : 27. Recitative for Tenor: All They That See Hime, Laugh Him to Scorn (150.78 Ko)
ViewPDF : 28. Chorus: He Trusted In God That He Would Deliver Him (1.16 Mo)
ViewPDF : 29. Recitative for Tenor: Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart (155.63 Ko)
ViewPDF : 30. Air for Tenor: Behold, And See If There Be Any Sorrow (188.19 Ko)
ViewPDF : 31. Recitative for Tenor: He Was Cut Off Out of the Land of the Living 32. Air for Tenor: But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul in Hell (514.1 Ko)
ViewPDF : 33. Chorus: Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates (1.58 Mo)
MP3 : principal audio (3.39 Mo)9,275x 44,363x
Comfort Ye My People
MP3 (2.61 Mo) : (by MIT Concert Choir)3,179x 9,838x
Every Valley Shall Be Exalted
MP3 (3.24 Mo) : (by MIT Concert Choir)2,849x 7,178x
And the glory of the Lord
MP3 (2.4 Mo) : (by MIT Concert Choir)3,024x 6,615x
5. Recitative for Bass: Thus Saith The Lord
MP3 (1.19 Mo) : (by MIT Concert Choir)2,183x 5,007x
6. Air for Bass: But Who May Abide the Day of His Coming?
MP3 (3.91 Mo) : (by MIT Concert Choir)2,300x 4,903x
7. Chorus: And He Shall Purify
MP3 (2.65 Mo) : (by MIT Concert Choir)2,825x 4,514x
8. Recitative for Alto: Behold! A Virgin Shall Conceive
MP3 (346.52 Ko) : (by MIT Concert Choir)1,983x 3,746x
11. Air for Bass: The People that Walked in Darkness
MP3 (2.99 Mo) : (by MIT Concert Choir)2,152x 4,419x
12. Chorus: For Unto Us a Child Is Born
MP3 (3.95 Mo) : (by MIT Concert Choir)2,643x 4,702x
13. Pastoral Symphony
MP3 (1.14 Mo) : (by MIT Concert Choir)2,105x 3,493x
15. Recitative for Soprano: And the Angel Said Unto Them
MP3 (627.74 Ko) : (by MIT Concert Choir)1,635x 3,250x
16. Recitative for Soprano: And Suddenly There Was With the Angel
MP3 (309.79 Ko) : (by MIT Concert Choir)1,607x 3,221x
17. Chorus: Glory to God
MP3 (2.24 Mo) : (by MIT Concert Choir)2,305x 4,177x
18. Air for Soprano: Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter of Zion!
MP3 (4.37 Mo) : (by MIT Concert Choir)2,070x 3,741x
20. Air for Alto: He Shall Feed His Flock Like a Shepherd
MP3 (6.08 Mo) : (by MIT Concert Choir)3,183x 3,767x
21. Chorus: His Yoke Is Easy
MP3 (3.23 Mo) : (by MIT Concert Choir)2,325x 3,006x
22. Chorus: Behold the Lamb of God
MP3 (3 Mo) : (by MIT Concert Choir)2,430x 3,077x
23. Air for Alto: He Was Despised
MP3 (8.04 Mo) : (by MIT Concert Choir)2,017x 4,144x
24. Chorus: Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs
MP3 (1.36 Mo) : (by MIT Concert Choir)1,941x 2,740x
25. Chorus: And With His Stripes We Are Healed
MP3 (1.64 Mo) : (by MIT Concert Choir)1,815x 2,591x
26. Chorus: All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray
MP3 (3.64 Mo) : (by MIT Concert Choir)1,944x 3,047x
28. Chorus: He Trusted In God That He Would Deliver Him
MP3 (1.96 Mo) : (by MIT Concert Choir)2,101x 2,560x
29. Recitative for Tenor: Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart
MP3 (1.63 Mo) : (by MIT Concert Choir)1,634x 2,167x
30. Air for Tenor: Behold, And See If There Be Any Sorrow
MP3 (1.27 Mo) : (by MIT Concert Choir)1,574x 2,261x
31. Recitative for Tenor: He Was Cut Off Out of the Land of the Living
MP3 (1.1 Mo) : (by MIT Concert Choir)1,555x 2,049x
32. Air for Tenor: But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul in Hell
MP3 (1.41 Mo) : (by MIT Concert Choir)1,942x 2,222x
33. Chorus: Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates
MP3 (2.95 Mo) : (by MIT Concert Choir)2,334x 2,984x
34 unto which of the angels
MP3 (315.9 Ko) : (by MIT Concert Choir)2,111x 1,985x
35 let all the angels of god worship him
MP3 (1.55 Mo) : (by MIT Concert Choir)1,712x 2,233x
36 thou art gone up on high
MP3 (3.24 Mo) : (by MIT Concert Choir)1,735x 2,204x
37 the lord gave the word.ogg
MP3 (1.19 Mo) : (by MIT Concert Choir)1,872x 2,109x
38 how beautiful are the feet
MP3 (2.76 Mo) : (by MIT Concert Choir)2,067x 2,443x
39 their sound is gone out
MP3 (1.49 Mo) : (by MIT Concert Choir)1,716x 1,970x
40 why do the nations
MP3 (2.34 Mo) : (by MIT Concert Choir)1,798x 2,018x
41 let us break their bonds asunder
MP3 (1.75 Mo) : (by MIT Concert Choir)1,734x 1,965x
42 he that dwelleth in heaven
MP3 (272.64 Ko) : (by MIT Concert Choir)1,505x 1,789x
43 thou shalt break them
MP3 (1.97 Mo) : (by MIT Concert Choir)1,978x 2,238x
44 hallelujah
MP3 (4.25 Mo) : (by MIT Concert Choir)3,292x 3,523x
Georg Friedrich Haendel
Haendel, Georg Friedrich (1685 - 1759)

Choral SATB, Piano

Sheet central Messiah (191 sheet music)
  4 other versions

Hymn - Sacred

Chrysander, Friedrich (1826 - 1901)
Date 1741
Copyright Public Domain
Added by FS, 07 Jul 2010
G.F. Händel's Werke: Ausgabe der Deutschen Händelgesellschaft. Band 45.
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Comments (6)

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Georg Friedrich Haendel
Benjamin Ben

Posted the at 14:35 by benpeters

This is very beautiful. Thanks for your kindness in loading the scores.
Georg Friedrich Haendel

Posted the at 09:33 by mwemenakamabwe2yahoo

i need to get leflet for,o thou that tellest good tidings to zion

Posted the at 00:00
I like your work. Keep on

Posted the at 00:00
very goog

Posted the at 00:00
Thanks for linking me with my favourite pieces.

Posted the at 00:00
been looking for this complete scores of messiah for ages. i'm a choir conductor (first year) at one of the churches in new zealand, and beasue of my name, Haniteli (Tongan name for Handel) I'm only practice Handel's anthems.

The only thing that I can't find on this, is the two songs that I'm practising now...To thee Cherubin and Seraphin...and Day by day we magnify Thee...

Please advise where I can get these two scores from??

Anyway, I do apreciate the opportunity to come across this fantastic peace of work.

Excellent work...and WELL DONE to MR G F HANDEL..the best composer ever lived...

Thanks for your help and your time.

