Talk:String Quartet, Op.3 (Berg, Alban)

this is probably the quartet by one of his students, that Schoenberg half-jokingly referred to as the one whose harmonic procedures barely went past Schubert and yet which created such a stir (in one of his essays reprinted in Style and Idea.) Given that and our habit of placing works' 'styles' in terms of (pardon grammar...) composers' periods and the times they were written, this is more likely a 'Early 20th century' work by the way we define such things for site purposes... Eric 04:35, 9 March 2011 (UTC)

Both the score and parts are clearly from the same printing by the same publishing company for this work (same information and consecutive plate numbers). I'm confused as to how one can be public domain in the US while the other one isn't. Considering UE's copyfraud history, I assumed the reason for the score being PD was that it wasn't really published in 1925, but more like 1920 or 1921. Either way, some clarification on this issue would be appreciated. --Madcapellan 00:21, 1 August 2011 (UTC)

I am not at all convinced that the score and parts were engraved by the same company. The score that UE claims copyright on was really the 1920 (1921?) Schlesinger print, but there are noticeable differences in engraving style between it and the parts here (such as clefs, dynamics, proportional size of noteheads, text style and capitalization, etc.). My guess based on the engravings themselves would be that UE stole the score but actually did engrave the parts. The parts have also never been reprinted by anyone except UE, while the score was reprinted by Dover (wouldn't at least Kalmus have wanted to go after the parts?). Of course, this is merely a guess rather than firm proof, but based on the information I have, I am still hesitant to release the parts as PD in the US. Cheers, KGill talk email 00:32, 1 August 2011 (UTC)