Text: Elvis Costello. Kojak Variety. Strange.
How many wrinkles in a pickle
How many hairs in a head
How many waves in the ocean
How many crumbs in bed
But last but not least, but baby most of all
Why do I mmmumble everytime you call
Because you're strange to me baby
Oh, you're good to me mama
Well, I admit you are strange
But baby please don't change
I know I belong with you
How many bubbles in soap
How many chewings in gum
How many rolls in a wheel
Where did eyeballs come from
But last but not least
But baby most of all
Why do I mmmumble everytime you call
How many blanks in a blanket
How many cuts in a knife
How strong is a bedbug
And how deep is his bite
But last but not least
But baby most of all
Why do I mmmumble everytime you call
Stange you got a big double head and one bloodshot eye
Strange you got five double chins...???
Strange your knees look like the knees on a billy goat
Strange you got two left legs ...???
Strange there's something wrong with you I don't know what it is
Strange I'm gonna leave you alone, gonna leave you like this
Costello, Elvis
Kojak Variety
Costello, Elvis