
Text: Dark Sanctuary. Funerailles.

[Music by Arkdae and Hylgaryss, Lyrics by Hylgaryss]

Le froid envahit sa pauvre A?me,
Quand sa tombe se referme sur lui,
La sculpture aux regards infA?mes,
Ferme les yeux, saluant minuit.

Aujourd'hui est mort le paradis,
Dans ce cimetiA?re triste et si brumeux,
Sous le pA?le visage de Marie,
En écoutant ce chant miséricordieux.



[Music by Arkdae and Hylgaryss, Lyrics by Hylgaryss]

Coldness overcomes his poor soul

When his tomb shuts on him
The sculpture with vile glance
Close its eyes, greeting midnight

Today Paradise died
In that sad and misty graveyard
Under the pale face of Marie
Listening to that merciful hymn..

[Translated from french by Pandora]