
Text: Enchant. Monday.

I'm not alone
There are millions who are just like me
Is our life our own?
Are we breed to think everything's fine?
Just another ant in the line

I don't want to be
One more calf who's suckling the cash cow
Dressed like a corporate freak
Begging the clock to give me the chance to be me
A few moments just to be free

Swallow the lie just to get by
But I'm sick of this bag of feed
Try to hide but it feels like
You're caught in a landslide

When dreams die
You can chalk it all
Up to the Monday
Blame it all on a Monday

Friday feels all right
You think you got all night
Saturday is great but then it gets too late
And when Sunday comes around
It brings you right back down dreading Monday

And all of what used to define you
Serves only just to remind you
Of the man
You'd hoped to be

I can't believe
I'm on the clock and wearin' a monkey suit
Where is my dream?
You know the one where I'm up on a stage
I guess I'm missin' that page

Take a quick look
Glance through the book
Before I'm put back in my cage
Shed your skin the transformation begins

Chalk outline
And the finger points to a Monday
The only suspect is Monday

Friday feels all right
You think you got all night
Saturday is great but then it gets too late
And when Sunday comes around
It brings you right back down dreading Monday

And all of what used to defined you
Serves only just to remind you
Of the man
You'll never be, oh yeah

I'm not alone
Mindless masses trapped just like me
Busy little drones
Day in day out we're all pawns for the queen
I guess it's how it will be

Chained to my desk
Just like the rest
Who have surrendered their dreams
Shed your skin the transformation begins

Chalk outline
And the finger points to a Monday
Blame it all on a Monday

Friday feels all right
You think you got all night
Saturday is great but then it gets too late
And when Sunday comes around
It brings you right back down dreading Monday

Chalk it all up to a Monday
Blame it all on a Monday