
Text: Grim Skunk. Dead End Violence.

The abused are the accused
They stand the trial of pain
In the crown that strikes them down
You sentence them to shame
All of you know the ugly truth
So speak up now
Gotta rise to the defense of the innocent
And pass the judgement down
No matter what you're trying to do
Or what you're trying to prove
There's no excuse you never use violence
Violence, violence, violence...
Be a warrior of peace
If you want to walk with me
Dead end violence
The tough guy hype and stereotype
Ain't making you a man
Real strength is in restraint
It's time you understand

All that booze that lights your fuse
Is screw up number one
Never hit your wife never hit your son
Never fucking hit anyone
No matther what you think you do
Or what you think you prove
There's no excuse you never use violence
Violence, violence, violence...
You'd think you'd been around
Long enough to know
What it is to hurt
To feel your world blow
Blow after blow
Be a warrior of peace
If you want to walk with me
Dead end violence stop