Text: Katherine Gehl. Other. A Pound Of Kumquats.
The camera flashed
a sullen look stolen
by the press of a button
maybe i didn't want
the world to see
what's worrying me
but it's too late now
you've captured forever a scowl
that was destined to be
seen by those probing eyes
they stare intently
through a camera lens
on which their view depends
but i can't condemn
because through my lens
i look at them
So walk into the night
head towards your flight
I'll do my best not to wave
I'll save my emotions
for another day
and for now they'll stay
waiting in their corner
they're in time out
when the signs are up
and clearly state
the time and exact date
when we are to embrace
please develop a blind spot
in the same spot
where they are placed
those plans have been erased
little oblong citrus fruits
i eat them alone
in this dark hour some say
that they're too sour
how can you stand their bitterness?
I'm just used to it i guess
after eating them for many years
you can only taste the sweetness
within the tears
from an empty heart
you want a new start
i can't grant you that
i gladly say
just walk away
i wont come out and play
it's raining anyways
(Thanks to Taylor for these lyrics)