
Text: Lecrae. Take Me As I Am.

Its 5:46 in the morning; tossin and turnin; chest burnin; sermons in my head keep reoccurring; havin visions in my head of a kid cryin at the feet of the father for all the wrong things that he did; now im sweatin in my sheets, cant sleep; my mind keeps
tellin me im 6 feet deep; dont remind me; even though im still alive i cant tell; the way im livin my life i feel im goin to hell; god, they tellin me i should except you; that you had to leave the world cause the world left you; reason i cant change; li
ke a mystery to me; so i make-believe there really is a heaven for a g; even though they say you loved the world so much you shed your blood; god, i feel im too messed up for love; they tell me come as i am; but i smell like smoke; my whole life is full
of sin cause its all i know; the bible told me you died for my sins; if i believe in Christ to save me from the end; but im scared to ask you to save me; my heart so weable; ive got thoughts just full of hatred; hurt from people; i thought that first i h
ad to clean up my light; now im here and i just gotta clean to the light; im ready to do it but, i pray you understand; my life is a mess, will you take me as i am

Will you take me as i am; i know the way im livin is wrong, but i cant change on my own tryin to make it alone; i wonder, how could u love me with my life so ugly; when you came down and died for me.Will you take me as i am; i know the way im livin is wr
ong, but i cant change on my own tryin to make it alone; i wonder, how could u love me with my life so ugly; when you came down and died for me.

im still tryin to be the man my daddy ever taught me to be; im grown up now, life aint what i thought it would be; i made many mistakes in my past i cant fix; now im starin at this crucifix, tainted on my wrist; is it true what they tellin me am i just c
razy; did you bleed on the cross for my sins to save me; but why would you die for me; my whole life ive been workin for Satan while he fed lies to me; and now im hearin too much; tryin to get in true touch; about a love that can change me; im all screwe
d up; figured hell is what i deserve; but ur word says we all fall shook; so i guess we all owe a bird; teach me i want to learn; how you can save a wretch like me before death sends its last turn; i think i finally understand; no matter my past you'll s
till take me as i am.

Will you take me as i am; i know the way im livin is wrong, but i cant change on my own tryin to make it alone; i wonder, how could u love me with my life so ugly; when you came down and died for me.Will you take me as i am; i know the way im livin is wr
ong, but i cant change on my own tryin to make it alone; i wonder, how could u love me with my life so ugly; when you came down and died for me. Will you take me as i am.

i had a few last words to give; ive been tellin people the reason to live, the reason to die; united with the king of the sky; this life is passin us by, ive got no reason to lie; you'll never give the world enough; they'll hunger for more; there fixin t
here ways of nothin to settle the score; more security than the man who left you; or more love than the mommas who kept you; he'll always except you; be everything your supposed to; let christ rule your heart mind body and soul because he chose you; and
if the world dont know you; it dont matter, your god's child and he'll never disown you; your purpose on earth is far from worthless; thats why you glorify like your lifes been purchased; and it dont matter if the world dont see us; we still mean the wor
ld to jesus.

Will you take me as i am; i know the way im livin is wrong, but i cant change on my own tryin to make it alone; i wonder, how could u love me with my life so ugly; when you came down and died for me.Will you take me as i am; i know the way im livin is wr
ong, but i cant change on my own tryin to make it alone; i wonder, how could u love me with my life so ugly; when you came down and died for me. Will you take me as i am