
Text: Roger Miller. Kansas City Star.

Got a letter just this mornin? it was postmarked Omaha
It was typed and neatly written offerin? me this better job
Better job at higher wages, expenses paid and a car
But I?m on TV here locally and I can?t quit, I?m a star

Hah-ha I come on TV grinnin,? wearin? pistols and a hat
It?s a kiddy show and I?m a hero of the younger set
I?m the number one attraction every supermarket parkin? lot
I?m the king of Kansas City, no thanks, Omaha, thanks a lot

Kansas City star, that?s what I are
Yodel-deedle ay-hee, you oughta see my car
I drive a big old Cadillac with wire wheels, got rhinestones on the spokes
I got credit down at the grocery store
And my barber tells me jokes
I?m the number one attraction every supermarket parkin? lot
I?m the king of Kansas City, no thanks, Omaha, thanks a lot