
Text: Moein. Elaheye Naz (English Translation).

Again; Oh Goddess of Charm, Tolerate my heart
May this piteous/doleful grief leave my side

If my heart did not rest, It was because of your fault
Come, so that I?ll forgive your fault/sin

Again; I extend my helping hand towards you
Come, so that, on my prayers (love affair), I?ll forget my grief

If your raged arrow doesn't target my heart
I swear to God, just like a vivacious bird, I'll jump towards you

Who can tie/bind his heart on your grief, like I do?

So the great deal of your coquettishness is what for?

Who can tie/bind his heart on your grief, like I do?
So the great deal of your coquettishness is what for?

You?re the Goddess of Charm; Sit in my banquet
I am faithful to you; Come-on, as I have no art, apart from this

Such unfaithfulness don't have any reward/merit
I swear to God, If you don't inquire after me; You won't find me. (sign of me)