
Text: Original Broadway Cast. Sail To The Stars.

Seol chun farriage
(Sail to the sea)
Go Flaitheas de agus
(To God's Heaven)
Glor ne heireann
(And the glory of Ireland)
Seol, seol leat
(Sail away with you)
Doite sa tine
(Burned in fire)
O eirigh in eineach le dia
(Rise together with God)
O seol go samh le dia
(Sail peacefully with God)
Chun na realta...
(To the stars)

Sail to the stars
Off to glory, God
And the grace of Ireland
Go on your way
To your journey's end
In a veil of fire

A chieftan dies
A chieftan's born
As hearts are torn
A new light shines
Upon the morn...

And sail to the stars
Off to glory, God
And the grace of Ireland
Go on your way
To your journey's end
In a veil of fire
And take your place
In Heaven's light
Upon this night...

Go forth to the dawn
In the years ahead
They will tell the tale
Of you, of us all
On this night
Made one with the stars; set sail!

Original Broadway Cast