
Text: Outlandish. Closer Than Veins. Sakeena.

This ain?t a love song
This is a live song

Woman, you my equal, my wife, we be tight like
Two perfectly matching calligraphy lines

We don?t wanna build our house
Of earth, water and stone
But of wisdom, pure intentions, conversation
Compassionate action, with purity of heart

We might get somewhere, become light
Fast and burn like a candle, right
Intertwine, you give me peace of mind
I cloak you and you cloak me

Responsible, I feel with honesty
Between us God has put affection and mercy
Praised be He who created you
'Cuz all I see in you is beautiful

Woman, you my equal, my wife, we be tight like
Two perfectly matching calligraphy lines
What drew us together doesn?t conform to the laws of nature
It is written, there is only one opener for the lock of these things

Amor mio, te adora como a la mas
Bella estrella fugaz en el cielo
Y cuando me siento solo, se que tu me entiendes
Se que me comprendes

Sueno apoyarme en tu sonrisa
Toma mi mano y ven de prisa
Siempre me imagino Viejo y arrugado
Mis hijos ya crecidos mis nietos a mi lado

Y la luz de luna a revelado
Que tu palpitar es por mi, que siempre a sido asi
He practicado que decir muchas veces
Y cuando Dios lo quiera estaremos frente a frente

Sera el momento de embrujarte
Ojala que en tus ojos me retrates
Que aceptes mi pasado, que mis locuras yo no pague
Yo te prometere mi vida, aunque la muerte nos separe

Woman, you my equal, my wife, we be tight like
Two perfectly matching calligraphy lines
What drew us together doesn?t conform to the laws of nature
It is written, there is only one opener for the lock of these things

Most definitely in our love are signs of knowledge
Every dime I spend on you
Is worth more than what I spend on the poor
See, patience is the best key to happiness

Continuous, satisfaction
Pearls wanna be like you
Intertwine, you are my Sakeena
You protect me and I protect you

Scientifically we be deeper than Al-kindi
Between us God has put affection and mercy
This ain?t a love song
This is a life song

We going six years strong with no sign of regret
With each year we gain in force
With ups and downs of course
Yeah, my wife is my cousin

And thank God, Faizan my son was born without complications
Hina, my love to you is unconditional
Not limited by typical Bollywood scenarios
Or by statistics when problems occur we leave

?Cause I know it, you'll stay till I no longer will breathe
Or if I?m crippled, blinded or anything else
I know I can rely on you, helping my every step
Love is not just limited to butterflies and sex

It?s to recognize and respect each others intellects
Lots of regrets, many things we shouldn?t have said and done
But that?s just part of our journey and it?s just begun
Define beauty ?cause one day looks will fade

But a beautiful mind still be young at an old age
And I know it?s hard me being away for so long
But I respect you so much for being so strong
I remember you being pregnant, going to school

Cooking food, taking care of my parents and the whole house
All in one, something a man could never do, no doubt
So I thank my mother for the day she brought us together
And I pray for our reunion in the afterlife forever

Woman, you my equal, my wife, we be tight like
Two perfectly matching calligraphy lines
What drew us together doesn?t conform to the laws of nature
It is written, there is only one opener for the lock of these things