
Text: Rough Silk. Symphony Of Life.

[Music : Doernberg, Wunderlich / Lyrics : Doernberg]

"Sol est rex diei - luna est regina noctis.
Usus est magister optimus. Iusticia !
magnis viris vivis honores tribuuntur mortuis statuae ponuuntur.
Ita vixi ut non frustra me natum esse existimem.
Magnos homines virtute non fortuna metimur.
Quibus opes nullae sunt bonis invident
Quem di diligunt adulescens moritur
Amnis latus - grex magnus - ensis cruentus - totus orbis terrarum - cinis callidus
Deleo ! Defleo ! Detego metuo ! Extinguo senesco intellego diligo !"

"the sun is the queen of the day - the moon is the king of the night.
Experience is the best teacher in Justice.
Great men get honored while they are living.
After their death they will be remembered with monuments.
I have lived my life in a way that I know that I was not born in vain.
Great men get judged because of their works not because of their luck.
Those who do not own anything are in danger to be owned by jealousy.
Those who are loved by the gods die young.
The broad stream - The big herd - the bloody sword - the whole circle of the earth and the hot ashes.
I destroy - I cry for what I have destroyed - I discover and I fear myself - I kill, get old and finally understand how to
love and respect."

So many times I've been searching even though I still don't know what I'm looking for.
So many times I've been running away but there ain't no point in running anymore.
So many times I've been hiding from the cruel reality.
So many times I've been down that road before on my way to insanity.

In this symphony of life I've been playing outta key.
I'm a drifter on the run but maybe that's my destiny.
( Symphony of life )
Sometimes the pleasure's worth the pain.
Sometimes your childhood worlds remain.
Sometimes your dreams cut like a knife.
in this symphony of life.
Sometimes the future brings the past.
Sometimes you're running nowhere fast.
Sometimes your submarine won't dive
in this symphony of life.

So many times I've been turning around in circles for a while.
So many times I've been rising from the ashes but giving up just simply ain't my style.

In this symphony of life.................