Traducere: Standardele Jazz. Autumn In New York. Heartache bun Morning. Când m-am Fall in Love. Divers. Partituri de voce.
Traducere: Easy 1930 Fake Book. Autumn In New York. Heartaches. Falling in Love With Love. Divers. Instrumentul C partituri.
Traducere: Aprilie, la Paris. Falling in Love, cu dragoste. Într-o stare de spirit Sentimental. Falling In Love Again. Heartaches.
Traducere: Lyric Book. Animal de povară. Nu pot Help Falling in Love. Fii o Lady Luck. Uneori, atunci când We Touch. All My Life.
Traducere: Volumul real Cartea a III - Ediția a doua - CD-ROM. All the Way. Heartache bun Morning. Falling In Love Again. Divers.
Traducere: Real Cartea - Volumul II - Mini Edition. Falling In Love Again. All the Way. Heartache bun Morning. Love Is.
Traducere: Real Cartea - Volumul III - Mini Edition. O Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square. Falling In Love Again. All the Way. Divers.
Traducere: Real Cartea - Volume 3. O Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square. Falling In Love Again. All the Way. Samba face Aviao. Divers.
Traducere: Real Cartea - volumul III. O Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square. Falling In Love Again. All the Way. Love Is. Divers.
Traducere: Hal Leonard Real Micul Jazz Book - C Edition. Falling In Love. Autumn In New York. Heartache bun Morning. Pe dos.
Traducere: Real Micul mai bună carte Fake Ever - 3rd Edition - C Edition. Against All Odds. Linus și Lucy. The Way We Were.
Traducere: Real Cartea - Volume 3. O Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square. Falling In Love Again. Heartache bun Morning. Samba face Aviao.
Traducere: Hal Leonard Jazz Real Cartea Fake - C Edition. Aprilie, la Paris. Autumn in New York. Într-o stare de spirit Sentimental. Pe dos.
Traducere: Cartea Fake Hal Leonard Real Jazz Standards - C Edition. Darn acest vis. Heartache bun Morning. Autumn In New York. Divers.
Traducere: Hal Leonard Real Jazz Book. Falling In Love. Autumn In New York. Heartache bun Morning. The Masquerade Is Over.
Traducere: Cea mai bună carte Fake Ever - Bb 2nd Edition. Do You Know Calea la San Jose. The Way We Were. We Will Rock You.
Traducere: Cea mai bună carte Fake Ever - 2nd Edition - Eb Edition. Do You Know Calea la San Jose. The Way We Were. All Night.