Traducere: Cele Avett Brothers. Partituri Digital. TAB. --.
Traducere: Murder In The City by The Avett Brothers and Avett Brothers. Stâncă. Plan.
Traducere: Crima din oraș de către The Avett Brothers. Cele Avett Brothers. Scott Avett. Guitar Tab. Chitară.
Traducere: Crima din oraș de către The Avett Brothers. Cele Avett Brothers. Scott Avett. Plan. Vocal.
Traducere: Murder In The City by Avett Brothers and The Avett Brothers. Stâncă.
Traducere: 15 songs from the alt-country. The Ballad of Love and Hate. If It's the Beaches. The Once and Future Carpenter.
Traducere: The Avett Brothers Guitar Collection by The Avett Brothers. Paranoia in B Flat Major.