Traducere: - Neclasice.
Traducere: Children of Bodom. Children of Bodom. Hellhounds pe urmele mele. Partituri Digital. TAB.
Traducere: Children of Bodom. Children of Bodom. Partituri Digital. Guitar Tab. --.
Traducere: Children of Bodom. Children of Bodom. Nu vom toamna. Partituri Digital. --.
Traducere: Children of Bodom. Children of Bodom. Partituri Digital.
Traducere: Children of Bodom. Children of Bodom. Adoptat cu tot, Die pentru nimic. Partituri Digital. TAB.
Traducere: Children of Bodom. Children of Bodom. Ești mort Cu toate acestea,. Partituri Digital.
Traducere: Children of Bodom. Children of Bodom. Roadkill Dimineața. Partituri Digital.
Traducere: Children of Bodom. Children of Bodom. O zi vei plange. Partituri Digital. --.
Traducere: Children of Bodom. Children of Bodom. Zâmbet frumos pentru Diavolul. Partituri Digital. TAB. --.
Traducere: Children of Bodom. Children of Bodom. Următoarea linie. Partituri Digital.
Traducere: Children of Bodom. Children of Bodom. Punch Eu Bleed. Partituri Digital.
Traducere: Children of Bodom. Children of Bodom. Cravată Rope meu. Partituri Digital.
Traducere: Children of Bodom. Children of Bodom. Banned din cer. Partituri Digital. --.
Traducere: Children of Bodom. Children of Bodom. Partituri Digital. TAB. --.
Traducere: Children of Bodom. Children of Bodom. Dacă vrei pace. Pregătiți pentru război. Partituri Digital.