Traducere: Navele care trec în noapte. Scoruri.
Traducere: Culoare capac. În Moods Asociate de. Scoruri.
Traducere: În Moods Asociate de. Scoruri.
Traducere: Secular, Partsong. Limbă.
Traducere: Pass bagheta. Steven Griffin. Orchestră. Fagot. Clarinet 1 în Bb. Clarinet în Bb 2. Crash Cinele. Triunghi. Contrabas.
Traducere: Horn Quartet. Stephen Lines. Alamă cvartet. Stephen Lines. Corn în F. Corn în F. Corn în F. Corn în F.
Traducere: plictisitoare, werner. passing by - Promenade - in A - piano -. plictisitoare, werner. Pian solo. Stumpf, Werner Editura.
Traducere: Fagot. Flaut. Plan.
Traducere: The song appears first in a ballad opera of 1729 called "The Patron". Anonim. A cappella. Secular, Partsong. Limbă. Englez. ATB.
Traducere: A cappella. Sacru, Motet. Limbă. Latin. 16 October 2011.
Traducere: Sacru, Imnul. Limbă. Englez. This tune was published on p56 of W. J. White's book The Sacred Herald , London. c1820.
Traducere: Miserere nostru. Pitch in 16th century England was likely very high and this key is probably closer to the actual performance pitch.
Traducere: Ecou. or difficult to achieve in many choral settings, especially middle schools and smaller high schools.
Traducere: as unaccented passing tones or as prepared suspensions. Secular, Lament. Limbă. Englez. SSAATB.
Traducere: Secular, Partsong. Limbă. Englez. SATB plus S solo. Soliști. who can be drawn from the choir.
Traducere: 18, which describes the coming to pass of Jeremiah's prophecy. Sacred , Anthem suitable for Epiphany. Limbă. Englez.
Traducere: In this case, even the song is a modern fabrication, apparently written by Parisotti and passed off as a song by Pergolesi.
Traducere: I've marked this as a "sacred anthem," but other than a passing reference to wandering wise men, the text is not overtly biblical.