Traducere: Mama's Pearl. Dancing In The Street. Papa a fost piatra A Rollin '. Panglica In The Sky. Divers. Început.
Traducere: Pagini Ultimate Song - Broadway, filme și programe TV. The Best of Everything. Dancing in the Dark. The Flintstones.
Traducere: R. The Closer I Get To You. I Believe In You and Me. Mama's Pearl. The One Who Really Loves You.
Traducere: Cartea Fake Real Micul Ultimate - 3rd Edition. A Sign Of The Times. Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain. Prinde The Wind.
Traducere: Cartea Fake Ultimate - Bb Instrumente. A Sign Of The Times. Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain. Are mama ta stii Ești Out.
Traducere: Shake, Rattle and Roll. The Closer I Get To You. The Longest Walk. Are mama ta stii Ești Out.
Traducere: Cartea Fake Ultimate - 5th Edition. Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain. The Boys Are Back In Town. Are mama ta stii Ești Out.
Traducere: Mid-Romantic german lieduri. Cablul care Perl la Pearl. Mama mea. 3 sonete - Papa Benedict al sia'l zile. Divers.