Traducere: Omul. Partituri Digital. Lyrics. LC. Michael Jackson. --.
Traducere: Paul McCartney. Paul McCartney. Asculta la ceea ce omul a zis:. Partituri Digital. Ușor Tab Guitar. EASYTAB. --.
Traducere: Asculta la ceea ce omul a zis:. Partituri Digital. Pian, Vocal. Hand-dreapta Melody. Wings. --.
Traducere: Ascultați ce a spus omul Partituri de Paul McCartney. Linda Eastman McCartney Louise. Paul McCartney.
Traducere: Ascultați ce a spus omul Partituri de Paul McCartney. Paul McCartney, Linda Eastman McCartney Louise.
Traducere: Paul McCartney. The Rolling Stones - I Wanna Be Your Man. - Sheet Digital Music. Lyrics. Melodie. Chords. C4-F5.
Traducere: Brown Eyed Man Handsome. Brown Eyed bărbat frumos de Chuck Berry și Paul McCartney. Partituri de voce. acorduri numai.
Traducere: O zi din viata. Partituri de The Beatles. Paul McCartney, John Lennon. made the grade. Ușor de pian. Vocal.
Traducere: Partituri de The Beatles. Paul McCartney, John Lennon. How does it feel to be one of the beautiful people.
Traducere: O zi în partituri de viață de The Beatles. Paul McCartney, John Lennon. ATV Music Publishing. Englez. 0-7935-1832-6.
Traducere: Paul McCartney, John Lennon. Hal Leonard. Moștenire. Plan. Vocal. Chords.
Traducere: Paul McCartney, John Lennon. How does it feel to be one of the beautiful people Now that you know who you are. Englez.
Traducere: Paul McCartney , Tony Bennett. The very thought of you and I forget to do the little ordinary things. Englez.
Traducere: Polietilenă Pam. Partituri de The Beatles. Paul McCartney, John Lennon. Ușor de pian. Melodii de Nord Ltd.. Vocal.
Traducere: Partituri de The Beatles. Paul McCartney, John Lennon. I wanna be your lover, baby, I wanna be your man. Vocal.
Traducere: Yellow Submarine Sheet Muzica de The Beatles. Paul McCartney, John Lennon. ATV Music Publishing. Englez. 0-7935-1832-6.
Traducere: Polietilena Pam Partituri de The Beatles. Paul McCartney, John Lennon. Englez. Solero. Plan. Vocal.
Traducere: Paul McCartney, Carla Lane. Linda Eastman McCartney Louise. Hal Leonard. Moștenire. Plan. Vocal. Chords.