Traducere: Wonderwall de Oasis. "I love this song so I was very excited to play it and although it sounded good, it needs. Plan.
Traducere: Evangheliei Imnuri, Volume 3. Spirală legat. Tu nu va pleca de aici Like You Came. Oasis Of Love. Partituri cor.
Traducere: This chord book is perfect for Guitarists who will quickly be able to strum these beautiful ballads. Chord Songbook. Partituri.
Traducere: Real Vocal Cartea - volumul IV. Brother, Can You schimb un ban. Wish You Were Here. Love Affair nostru.
Traducere: Cel mai bun de Singing News Collector Edition Songbook. My Name Is Lazăr. Dumnezeu plimbari pe Wings Of Love. Divers.