Traducere: 2005-2006 Greatest Hits Pop. Boulevard de Broken Dreams. Lost Without You. You and Me. Alto Saxophone. Divers. Început.
Traducere: 2005-2006 Greatest Hits Pop. Boulevard de Broken Dreams. Lost Without You. You and Me. Clarinet. Divers. Început. Clarinet.
Traducere: 2005-2006 Greatest Hits Pop. Boulevard de Broken Dreams. Lost Without You. You and Me. Vioară. Divers. Vioara Solo partituri.
Traducere: 2005-2006 Greatest Hits Pop. Boulevard de Broken Dreams. Lost Without You. You and Me. Trompetă. Divers. Început.
Traducere: 2005-2006 Greatest Hits Pop. Boulevard de Broken Dreams. Lost Without You. You and Me. Trombon. Divers. Partituri trombon.
Traducere: 2005-2006 Greatest Hits Pop. Boulevard de Broken Dreams. Lost Without You. You and Me. Flaut. Divers. Flaut solo partituri.
Traducere: 2005-2006 Greatest Hits Pop. Boulevard de Broken Dreams. Lost Without You. You and Me. Tenor Sax. Divers. Tenor Sax.
Traducere: Ballads Pop contemporane. Colectia de pian ușor. Dreaming of You. I Believe In You and Me. Dan Coates.
Traducere: 2000-2005 Cele mai bune cântece pop. Lost Without You. You and Me. Divers. Pian, vocal, muzica de chitara foaie.
Traducere: This selection of 'lite hits,' arranged by Dan Coats, includes some of the best pop songs of the last few decades.
Traducere: Ultimate Pop Partituri Collection. I Do It For You. All My Life. Dreaming of You. Nu am nimic. Dan Coates.
Traducere: Lyric Book. Animal de povară. Can You Feel Love Tonight. Every Breath You Take. 4 Seasons of Loneliness.
Traducere: Real Cărticica Fake clasică - 2nd Edition. Mystery dulce Of Life. Jesu, Joy Of Dorind Man. "Tis Last Rose Of Summer.
Traducere: Cântece Top 300 Contemporary Christian. Lord Of All. Cetatea puternic. Shepherd Of My Heart. Miel Of Glory.
Traducere: Carte Fake clasic - 2nd Edition. "Tis Last Rose Of Summer. Mystery dulce Of Life. Toate Frumoasa martie Of Days.
Traducere: Cartea Fake Real Micul Ultimate - 3rd Edition. Toate Of Me. Band Of Gold. Book Of Love. Duke of Earl.
Traducere: Cartea Fake Real Micul Ultimate Broadway - 5th Edition. Seasons de dragoste. The Sound of Music. You-go In, Go Away.
Traducere: Cartea Fake Ultimate - Bb Instrumente. I Wanna Go Where You Go - faci ceea ce faci. A Sign Of The Times. All Night.