Traducere: Melodii din anii 1910. Trail Of The Lonesome Pine. Divers. Pian, vocal, muzica de chitara foaie. Partituri de voce. Seria Deceniului.
Traducere: Climb ev'ry Mountain. Joy To The lume. Lost In The Stars. The Old Rugged Cross. Divers. Partituri de voce.
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Traducere: Ridică-te cântând. America the Beautiful. Blowin 'in the Wind. Prinde The Wind. Dancing In The Street.
Traducere: Cineva to Love. Dimming Of The Day. Ai Belong To Me. Îmi mențin Going Back To lui Joe. I Wanna Be Loved.
Traducere: Lyric Book. Don't Fear the Reaper. Fly Me to Luna. Let It Be. Lucy in the Sky cu diamante.
Traducere: Ai Belong To Me. From Here to Eternity. I Wanna Be Loved. V-ar fi atât de ușor To Love. Cheek to Cheek.
Traducere: Cântecele de 1920. Lover, Come Back to Me. Mack the Knife. Stau pe Top of the World. Lover, Come Back To Me.
Traducere: E-Z Играть Сегодня. Cărți full-size - format mare, 9 "x 12" dispune de citit ușor, muzică-ușor-to-play. Ai Belong To Me.
Traducere: Rise Up Singing - Grupul Singing Songbook. America the Beautiful. Blowin 'in the Wind. Prinde The Wind.
Traducere: Real Blues Cartea. Sweet Home Chicago. Walkin 'The Dog. Lie To Me. Cheaper To Keep Her. Day Of The Eagle.
Traducere: The Daily ukulele - Leap Year Edition. The Daily ukulele - Leap Year Edition. The Daily Ukulele. All the Way.
Traducere: The Ultimate Copii Songbook. The Ultimate Copii Songbook. America the Beautiful. Be Good.
Traducere: Cartea Fake Real Micul Ultimate Jazz - C Edition. Be-Bop. The Original. V-ar fi atât de ușor To Love.
Traducere: Cartea Fake Movie - Ediția a 4-. Hymn To Red October. Barefoot In The Park. Song Of The Sud. Coming to America.
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