Non ti prometto che ci sara il sole ogni giorno che vivrai con me. Di certo solo nuvole e parole, le mie incertezze ed i miei perche. Non ti prometto
queste note la voglia di cantare ti prende il cuore le voci che si uniscno in un coro vero tutti insieme urliamo verso il cielo e allora via che cominci la magia
Up the Spiral Staircase Only to find One empty perch within an empty room A sealed up Snitch, a book of nursery rhymes the end of all our conversations
Traducere: Magic. Pe de altă parte.
Traducere: Coloane sonore (şi alte piese) coloana sonora. Pace Acesta [Dirt magie].
Traducere: Coloane sonore (şi alte piese) coloana sonora. Aceste modificări Magic [sha-na Na].
: Bu yao sha sha de zhan zai na men kou deng da kai zhe shan men ni jiu hui ming bai zen me ke neng ai xiang yi dao guang zhao liang wo zheng ge ren
: (Eddy Marnay / Lewis Furey) Dans la main D'un magicien Et des bing bang Des ding dang Et des abracadabra Dans la main D'un magicien Des reves Se
: Don't worry, dear Pamela, I'll do my scientific best to command your fleet... Don't worry, dear Pamela, I'll do my scientific best to command your
: I was always taught It's gunna be a struggle at whatever you tryin' to accomplish So when times get hard Don't give up Cause that just might be where
: Elle voit des films Cent fois les memes Les memes crimes Et les memes scenes Elle travaille seule Elle place les gens Dernier fauteuil Ou premier
: Ooh! Hey, hey, now! Alright, You went away, had your chance to say "I love you and I need you baby" Yeah, but even if Honey, I told you daddy now
gravedad (2) poco a poco empiezo volar (2) lentamente pruevo el cielo eres magia y deseo un plaser celestial que pecado seria nuestro amor ocultar eres magia
: I remember Monday rising up to pack his lunch We kissed goodbye saying What a foolish girl was I Saying, what a fool was she Near the store where I
: 123 Go Your touch is so magic to me The strangest things can happen The way that you react to me I wanna do somethin' you can't imagine Imagine if
: (feat. Terry Dexter) [Intro - Will I Am] We're comin right away You know what to do Black Eyed Peas is the crew (is the crew) You know what to do (
: Oh, oh, oh It's magic, you know Never believe it's not so It's magic, you know Never believe, it's not so Never been awake Never seen a day break
: (colonna sonora del film delle winx) Promises have meaning once again And broken dreams are drifting to an end I'm feel it like my life has just begun