So I'm writing this letter to you, baby Just like my mother told me She always said "Say yes before you say no and say maybe" See I never sugar coat
LOBSTER QUADRILLE WITH LUCY SIMON WRITER LEWIS CAROLL "Will you walk a little faster?" said a whiting to a snail. "There's a porpoise close behind us
its 3 oclock in the morn im waking you for the storm a day before the day after we created laughter in a white sandy beach that we love its only you and
the words repeat Of peace on earth Peace on earth I thought how as the day had come The belfries of all Christendom Had rolled along the unbroken song
fishing for herring fish That live in the beautiful sea And some silver and gold have we Said, Wynken and Blynken and Nod The old moon laughed and sang a song
thanks for spending your dough on our new CD I can't wait until June = when we get our royalties but the money you spent was not in vain it was = spent
song, she helps me carry on I'm singing my song I sing it for the children This is a song For the children of the world In a song of peace and happiness
Cher enfant, j?ai fait cette chanson pour toi, Pour que tu prenne la bonne chance Que j?ai perdu de trouver la belle paix Quej?ai connu quand j?etais
Sur le pont d?Avignon, L?on y danse, l?on y danse Sur le pont d?Avignon, L?on y danse tous en rond Les beaux messieurs font comme ca Les belles dames
Traducere: Cântece pentru copii. Maine duminică EST.
Traducere: Cântece pentru copii. Prin Treci La Barca.
Traducere: Cântece pentru copii. Cucu, a cântat La Rana.
Traducere: Cântece pentru copii. Asta e mama mea Linda.
Traducere: Versuri pentru copii. Cântec ziua de naştere (versiunea 2).
Traducere: Diesel Boy. Cântec pentru copii.
Traducere: Molly Hatchet. Cântec pentru copii.