Traducere: Lenin. Acum este freca.
Traducere: Lenin. Tablă.
Traducere: Lenin. Răbdare.
Traducere: Lenin. Presiunea în.
Traducere: Lenin. Jack Soul Brasileiro.
Traducere: Lenin. Azi am doar doresc să renunţe la.
Traducere: Lenin. Leul de Nord.
Traducere: Femeie de pe coloana sonora populare. Lenin - Apus de soare Ultima.
When Lenin was little All the birds in the forest were singin' a??Man, this is it!a?? But now that he's older All the sailors in the heaver are screamin
't go telling me she's not here now I followed her home alone Lenina Hey hey Lenina aliens are pulling your strings I've got my eyes on you Lenina I
When Lenin was little All the birds in the forest were singin? ?Man, this is it!? But now that he?s older All the sailors in the heaver are screamin? ?
Traducere: Arcade Fire. Atunci când Lenin a fost Little.
Traducere: Două-Def. Discursurile lui Lenin.
Traducere: Gerard Lenorman. Între Lenin şi Lennon.
Traducere: Patosz. Lenin.
Traducere: TV-2. Isbryderen Lenin.