Money - misery Comfort - bullshits TV - book Satisfaction - fight Do you actually have right to choose ????
"SKATE", is kind of anarchy, they said NO, can't be true ! Following the latest trends In both music even clothing. They said it's a lifestyle NO, can
Vivisection is a crime! Controlled the fucking live STOP ANIMAL ABUSE !!! Living in a cage Ended by draise test To have your clothes clean But don't you
"What great is your band !!!" I feel gas behind these words Tell just your straight opinion Don't be afraid of loosing your friends We need tolerance
[cover of AG]
Lack of scruple and a greed Clearing of the rain forests People who haven't got a home Destruction of ekosystem Everything just for earn money Senseless
Hey, we're missing a liberty We can't acknowledgeg the system here Because it's not a freedom but slavery Though we're not the extremists because oo our
Big managers have found the next musical stars But the band's guys don't even know to handle their instruments perhaps A medium to earn a lot of bucks
Intentional reducing of people's intelligence with these fucking stupid TV serials The useless things imposed by ahelp of publicity You laugh, but you
Fuck Off Nazi Bastards !!!
Political game of government, and people can say NO ! ignorance of own blood in the name of safeguard A new expensive arms Neues Munchen ! You do not
We know this lyrics will change nothing But we are damn pissed off about it Animal abuse for people's fun We can see it in every fucking wild-west story
Not censored memory Fearful experiences Holocaust still alive in a mind Skinheads song Pain and suffering
Traducere: Gm. Tumora maligna cultivate din parenchimului renal.
Traducere: Maligne tumorală. Păcătoase Fleshspear.
Traducere: Maligne tumorală. Confruntarea cu divină.
Traducere: Maligne tumorală. Cenuşi şi Bloodstench.