King of Kings and Lord of Lords, glory Hallelujah King of Kings and Lord of Lords, glory Hallelujah Jesus, the Prince of Peace, glory Hallelujah Jesus
Traducere: Petra. King of Kings.
Letra y Música by Saphie Conty and Naomi Batya Rey de Reyes, Señor de Señores Gloria aleluya Rey de Reyes, Señor de Señores
Letra y Música by Bob Hartman Los levitas volvieron con el arca de Dios Con presencia y poder adoraban al Señor El templo cerraron comenzaron
the ground given after the fall All the King's horses and all the King's men Gonna ride down from Heaven from where they've been All the King's horses and all the King
your gates to the Lord of Hosts Who is this King of glory? The Lord, mighty in battle The King of Glory shall come in The King of Glory shall come in
had a nail right through His hand The Master of the earth became a servant of no worth And paid a King's ransom for my soul He paid a King's ransom for
Traducere: Petra. Regelui Ransom.
Traducere: Petra. Toate regelui cai.
Traducere: Petra. Împăratul slavei vor veni în.
Traducere: Petra. King Of Kings Entraraj.