suffocate in water graves as i stare in disbelief, blood drains from open wrists a silent prayer, concentrate on death's sweet kiss for the pain is far
mothers bury sons and daughters, into irish soil they rot in the realm of summer stars, patriots do march saint patrick sheds a tear for martyrs who
pride in development as beauty dies tears soak the tainted soil cried to germinate a hope for the growth of compassion violence becoming a slave for
cherished dream, seizes living cells love can't suffice for death, love can't forbid our tears sharing on pulse won't help for it hastens fears compensate for
try to find solace in heavenly stars, under skies above submerge beneath the cold river's tongue my soul died a martyr for pain golden rays of soft
springtime is sorrow, make love last until the heart is dead frost on the cracked glass, bleaching purity ride angel's wings into heaven, naked flesh
Grief continuing, clouds decending Your will to die, fettered by life. Veins swell with pious blood, light shines through cracks in leaves Sylvan
makes me smile eden's leaves cover me if only for a little while a rose petal for each tear a drop of dew for each year consolation for your death will
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Traducere: Rugăciune pentru curăţarea. Closet.