is ugliness In ugliness I see beauty too What a repulsive body that I have which oozes grime and filth These carnal desires do I find unfulfilling Where
Traducere: Rudra. Constiinta fara varsta, I Am.
Vatavitapi samipe bhumibhage nishannam Sakalamunijananam jnanadataramarat Tribhuvanagurumisham dakshinamurti devam Jananamaranaduhkhacheda daksham namami
the Self within Aham Brahmasmi [x4] The world resolves into my senses The senses resolve in the mind The mind resolves in the "I" And the "I" resolves
like a mirage but it is not an illusion At the dawn of knowledge I see the world like a reflection In the mirror of consciousness In my consciousness
there is ugliness In ugliness I see beauty too What a repulsive body that I have which oozes grime and filth These carnal desires do I find unfulfilling
death everywhere, yet I think of another dawn To taste the bitterness of that which eludes permanence The heaven that I seek and the joys I yearn to
Nityam shuddham Nirabhasam nirakaram niranjanam Nityabodham chidanandam gurum brahma Namamyaham Satchidanandarupaya vyapine Paramatmane namah shrigurunathaya
Like Asuras we worship blindness Innocence raped by Avidya Tying oneself to the wheel of Samsara by seeking that which is impermanent This delusion of
and form belong neither to you nor to me" [**] [solo - kannan] "I am Brahma, I am Vishnu, I am Indra,I am Shiva. All this I am. There is nothing except
Shri bhagavan uvaca Kutastvaa kashmalamidam vishame samupasthitam Anaryajushtamasvargyamakirtikaramarjuna Arjuna Uvaca Na hi prapashyami mamapanudyadyacchokamucchoshanamindriyanam
Avidyopadhiko jivo mayopadhika ishvara Mayavidyagunatita brahma vedantadindima Sakaram ca nirakaram sagunam cagunatmakam Tattvam tadbrahma paramamiti
me Because I am forever free Samadhi is of no use to me Cittavrtti Nirodha is a fruitless pursuit Because I am the forever free Aham nitya muktah "As I
Ekam Eva Advitiyam [x3] Meditation on the axiom that Shvetaketu received from his father It destroys the life of becoming someone other than what you
"The Lord I am, present everywhere I was prior to everything else. I am the cosmic womb I am the born and that which is to be born I have faces in every
Pratah smarami hrdi samsphuradatma tattvam Sat chit sukham paramahamsa gatim turiyam Yat svapna jagara sushuptam avaiti nityam Tad brahma nishkalam aham
Nirgunabrahma svarupinim With her grace I adorn this grief With her grace I adorn this bliss With her grace I adorn this grief With her grace I adorn
mind I now renounce this crown of thorns called Dharma But this wanting madness never ends! Not even in paradise! Nothing is worth seeking when everything is relative I